I have an idea for a new strike difficulty; Darkness strikes, they would alternate every week, going in order from sepiks prime, all the way to omnigul. They would have EVERY modifier active, so all burns, lightswitch, angry etc. and the rewards would go something like this, you have one chance per character, if you complete it on one character, you get your choice of any exotic weapon (excluding playstation exclusives for Xbox players, unfortunately. Srry guys). Second character, you get your choice of any exotic armor piece, third character, any legendary piece of equipment available to you, faction armor, weapons, vanguard/crucible weapons/armor, stuff like that. HOWEVER, if you wipe on one character, you're locked out for that character for the week, and your first reward is forfeit, so no exotic weapon for you, even if you do it on your other characters, you'd only have the exotic armor, and legendary item available to you, assuming you don't wipe again. Wipe on all 3 characters, and you're SOL. The stats on the legendary armor/weapons are randomized, and you don't get to choose those upgrades. What you see is what you get when it comes to weapon/armor upgrades. Lemme kno in the comments.
Edit: you guys must really like potatoes.
[spoiler]ZOIDBERG (V) (O,,,O) (V)[/spoiler]