I am simply curious as to what the more popular reasons are for people who are against the use of cannabis.
So if you are against it, what is your reason?
I have no problem with medical Marijuana. What I have a problem with is recreational usage of it. First, it impairs your judgement, thereby endangering yourself and others. If there was a way to detect Marijuana in the system like a breathalyzer detecting alcohol, I would not have much of a problem with it. The second reason is that it deprives one of a fully informed free will. When you are under the influence of those kind of drugs, you can't discern moral situations with as much clarity.
I think that a lot of the possible uses for cannabis are great - using hemp to create cheaper fabric, using it as a medicine, and all of the other uses for it that are productive and helpful are fantastic and should not be illegal. But, I think that the recreational use of marijuana to simply get high isn't good and it does not add to society or the person's life in any positive way. Also, I personally can't stand any type of smoking and I think it smells disgusting, along with the fact that I know people who have completely wrecked their lives and priorities because of drugs. I'm not saying that this applies to all stoners or drug addicts, but in my experience, it has. Even so, if chain-smoking packs of cigarettes and getting drunk off your ass are legal, then ALL uses of marijuana, including recreationally, should be legal as well. You shouldn't be able to restrict someone from being high while you are completely wasted from vodka shots. I won't support the legalization of marijuana because of my own morals and experiences with drugs, but I also won't fight against it because its current illegal status isn't exactly fair.
My cousin smoked it and it led to heavy drug and alcohol abuse. So when my friends say they use any drug I kinda freak out a little bit cause of how bad my cousin got. I don't want the same happening to them
All you kids wanna 420 blaze it, be a man and shoot heroin.
I live in Washington State and I'm not against it.
Do you prefer seeing your kids buying weed at a convinience store or at a drug dealer place ? Just trowing that in here ..
Because much, not all, but much of the money trails back to very bad people.
I'm not.
because they keep growing in my garden
I used to be against weed. Then I found some
Sensei Dolphin approves
You need to like, chill out man.
I'm not
It turned a few of my best friends into broke messes that struggle to hold a conversation.
Weeds make me need to go outside and do chores ( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° )
Look you guys; Can i point out it says [b][i][u]USE[/u][/i][/b] of marijuana No where does it say [b][i][u] smoking or getting high[/u][/i][/b] There are 15,000+ [b][i][u]functional uses[/u][/i][/b] for the plant from paper to fabric to engine oil to biodiesel to methanol to medicine to much more. Stop being so one track narrow minded please
Because i own: 2 pharmaceutical companies 3 textile mills 1 paper mill 4,000 acres of tree farms 8,000 acres of cotton farms A gold giraffe named charlie And! A Mexican drug cartel
Not against it. Sorry, I can't contribute to the ignorance of the common people's voice.
Edited by ELIZABETH WILL BE REAL IN : 10/22/2015 3:08:59 PMBecause all these retarded kids smoking it it's like these squeakers in games goddamn annoying
Obviously because around 7 billion people have OD'd on this horrible horrible drug.
Edited by KnightofZavala: 10/17/2015 7:48:05 AMDeez Nuts
Drugs are bad mkay
Hell yeah I'm against it, I'm all up against it [u][b][b]mmmmmmm[/b][/b][/u] I have 50.67 weed on my wall #420BlazeIt I just rub up against it and get high, all the time, too keep Jews off my mind because I think about holocaust and cry for them but then I rub more up against my 50.67 weed and smsmsmsmoke w33d everyday like a Yolo Swagg king, git gud m8, nope actually, git hi l00sers
The government would be rich. All they need to do is get Bob Marley to be a dictater and kill Donald trump with his dreads. Then he could take over all the countries with his weed trade then rule the Bahamas.
Because I am a forklift. And I cannot smoke it