I am simply curious as to what the more popular reasons are for people who are against the use of cannabis.
So if you are against it, what is your reason?
Smoke weed every day. Toke on brothers, toke on.
I'm not against it
It should not be illegal. The illusion of control is so frustrating, people want all this stuff to be illegal and for what? Because they don't want to do it? Well I'm sorry but unless it causes you to kill other people or cause serious harm to others here is no reason to have it il legalized. It has been consumed for millennia but many cultures. It may a a few health risks involved with its consumption but it also has its benefits. People want to control everything... Ahhh!
Bottom line: Those who haven't tried it more than likely never will, and always be close-minded in regards to it. Those who have, know what's up and why we do it. Toke on, folks.
I don't like it personally and i'm not a fan of people that smoke it. It's been mentioned by someone else in the thread but i've known people who smoke it and they like to sit around and "chill" which isn't my idea of fun. People are free to do whatever they want but i'll never get along with them.
Some people want t just because they can't get it legally. I would like it to be legalized but not just to make something illegal legal. I would like to legalize it cause it calms me down. I have ADHD, anxiety, and depression.
It just makes me feel full and dumb is all, I did it for years and got over it and can't not want to get back into it. Uppers are way more up my alley though
Most people who use it fall into it.
Dabs are love dabs are life. Legalize bud to stop this cancer strife!
I dont really care if you smoke it or not but I support getting arrested for driving with it or under the influence of it. So sorry but i dont want to die just beacuse you wanted to get high.
I don't support weed, but I'm not against it. At the moment, it doesn't effect my life.
The plebacy in this shitpost is so unreal lol
Blood Clot! Me tenks dim hate RastarI!
Marawanas have the right to live too
[i]I'm an edgy Conservative and I like small government & freedom... only when I pick and choose.[/i]
did it in highschool, pretty soon my friends smoked the shit daily. Instead of going out on our bikes and hitting some tracks it was smoking dope and sitting on their ass.
I have no strong feelings either way regarding the matter.
It's a gateway drug
I'm not u stoopid
This just in: consistent marijuana use makes it more difficult for intestinal worms to take hold in your system. Not a huge selling point in today's first world countries; but long ago (before health codes) pot helped keep people from getting worms when they would eat meat. Still works today, especially in less developed areas.
Nope. I personally am not against any drugs. If that's what you want to do and it makes you feel happy go for it. Who am I to say you can't be happy. [spoiler]I personally don't do drugs like weed but IDC if you do or not [/spoiler]
How dare you make feeble, ignorant assumptions about people! :p
Smells like ass and I run track
Think of it like this Everyone who lives is going to die [spoiler]unbiased![/spoiler]
Really good friend would turn into a complete bitch when she smoked. Plus I grew up watching my dad smoke. Not necessarily pot but still, constantly seeing that turned me away from it.