I am simply curious as to what the more popular reasons are for people who are against the use of cannabis.
So if you are against it, what is your reason?
Really good friend would turn into a complete bitch when she smoked. Plus I grew up watching my dad smoke. Not necessarily pot but still, constantly seeing that turned me away from it.
Edited by Barloopy: 5/5/2015 1:24:17 AMIdc for it. I just can't stand the smell..I'm also allergic to smoke so it's even worse lol
Because I can't smoke it!!!!!!
I don't think it's wrong. You wanna smoke, smoke all day I don't care for smoking, that's just me. Not against it. I've heard Weed is good for anti stress too. So yeah, if that floats your boat, keep sailing.
Good for medicine, bad for health if used outside of what is perscribed, if it is perscribed at all. [spoiler]Seriously people. Just because it has medical properties doesn't make it harmless. I mean, you wouldn't take lamotrogerine just for fun, would you?[/spoiler]
It causes health problems
I support weed. I don't dislike it, I partake in the action of smoking. And I'm open to the idea that many people frown on it, but let me tell ya. I'm one of the nicest and most honest people you can meet. With or without weed. Weed can only be dangerous or unhealthy when used too often.
If I was, it would be because it deposits debris in your lungs. Unhealthy no matter what.
You are supposed to eat herbs, not burn them.
Why not?
100% of people who smoke weed will die.
Weed > Alcohol
Who ever said I was? Lmao jk I don't smoke but I'm not against it
Edited by GoreHound: 4/25/2015 9:20:39 PMI think the reason most people are against it is because of things like the dare programs, When I found out my mom smokes I cried, I literally thought she was going to die from it. Now I smoke almost every day. Now a days I only get mad when people bash it, when they are uneducated or try and tell me I'm the scum of the earth. I served in the military, and now I'm out and enjoy myself.
I have tried it and ocasionally smoke. But I don't like it. Its hyped up. I prefer acid over it any day. And I have only done acid 4 times. Last time was a year ago.
Came here for the responses, blatantly not against ganja
Wow all these crazy assumptions. What a bunch of weed noobs. It has no long term effects except for being chill. And the whole self control thing is way dumb. I smoke ev day and im a well adjusted human id say. I do everything anyone else does on a daily. I still have my balls and my brain hasnt deflated.
it works as medicine if most people actually used it just as straight medicine itd be great i mean of course no one is going to including me lol but still it cures/helps plenty of things
Feel it's the same as cigarettes honestly
Smoke in your lungs no matter what isn't good for you. That's why firefighters get cancer and the smoke from your joints is still smoke. So it's bad for you even though you may not get addicted like cigarettes.
Smoke weed to stop coughing, it cures!
Because the human obsession with intoxication is pathetic. And not just in regards to weed.
>implying I'm against the mara-jew-ana
I hate it cuz it grows every where and I have to buy the whole "RoundUp" company to stop it from messing up my lawn.
I'm not.
Prohibition doesn't work [spoiler]Just saying[/spoiler]