I am simply curious as to what the more popular reasons are for people who are against the use of cannabis.
So if you are against it, what is your reason?
Everyone I know that smokes weed is an idiot. Every single one.
I love weed
When I see all the responses on here all I can think is "holy hell there's a ton of people here who smoke weed." lol
Some people just have superiority complexes or have such pathetic lives that they need to judge and criticise weed smokers to feign some improvement to their own bland existence. Quite sad really.
Edited by FishBlues: 10/16/2015 3:30:56 PMBecause i get nothing done and all i wanna do is smoke. So i stay away from it. [spoiler]it was fun while it lasted though ;)[/spoiler] Edit: im not against it though
Weed makes you depressed because weed causes a dopamine rush and your brain will use it as its primary source of dopamine and stop making it on its own so you become depressed whenever you aren't smoking weed and weed will have a weaker affect every time you smoke it making you more and more depressed. Weed can also make you retarded cuz it kills brain cells. You can literally smoke your yourself retarded. It has happened before. [spoiler]dopamine is the chemical in your brain that makes you feel happy.[/spoiler]
It's stupid and I don't want 2/3 of the population becoming even more stupid and pathetic. "It has no health pwobwems" keep thinking that retard....
Edited by Leftovers: 10/16/2015 2:39:46 PMNever do weed. Trust me, your gonna feel really good when you smoke it, but after the effect is gone you will feel like shit. And then you want more and more because you feel like shit and you get addicted to the good feeling but the more you do it the more shitty you will feel. And after your first smoke or two, its too late. Ive seen weed ruin a lot of peoples lives. They say they do it because it helps them when they are depressed. It helps them for that little moment but then they feel even more depressed afterwards. If you are against my warning, go ahead dont listen to me because i cant help you, i can only warn you. [spoiler]weed is very bad for you ;) http://m.mic.com/articles/115766/8-scientific-reasons-you-should-never-smoke-weed [/spoiler]
I'm against it because of the mortality rate. 100 percent of people who smoke weed will die.
I'm not
Why do you assume I'm against it?
They screw up my yard! Dang weeds growing everywhere!
Because everyone else says its bad
It makes you look like trailer trash.
Heck im not against it just dont use it myself. If people can drink fermented liquid, smoke tar/carcinogens, eat untested gmos, and take psychotropic drugs for "problems" then why cant they smoke a plant?
Nah. I am not doing that stuff but do whatever you want. As long as you are doing legal things while you smoke it.
I'm not if people want to use it recreational
I'm not against it but it makes me personally procrastinate. Wish it was legalized in Ireland
You know my grandfather was sick last year. And I decided to do a little test with him. He had had major blood clots in both his legs to go along with multiple surgeries on said legs. He never smoked weed before in his life. He was eating perks like they were going out of style. So I brought some weed to him one day and said try this instead of your pills. He did(as did I). Not many can say they smoked with their grandfather. And wouldn't ya know we talked and laughed and he was up moving around. He then proceeded to grab his cane and took his dog for a walk to the end of the driveway. He used a wheel chair for the last 5 years because of the pain. I'm not saying it cured him but I'm saying that he hasn't had a pain pill in over a Year, and he is slowly getting his mobility back in both legs. He walks everyday now and says he feels 1,000 times better today than he did a year ago. I'm not for recreational use. I've smoked before don't get me wrong. But if it helps people who need it for medical purposes. By all means it should be legal in every state. It grows naturally for crying out loud why is nature illegal?
Weed saves lives
Lung Cancer
No, I usually smoke every one or two weeks. Quite relaxing. I think people should smoke something natural instead of cosmetics.
I only really dislike the smell, that along side the illegality of it. If it were legal I'd probably try it at least once.
Weed is LEGAL here in Oregon, I had nothing against it anyway, it has actually saved many lives, MEDICAL REASONS ONLY but yeah :)
Edited by Asxuma: 10/16/2015 7:37:50 AMAsthmatic - start thinking about non smokers, weed, whatever people especially the asthmatics almost ended up dying because of it and always end up in hospitals[spoiler] u guys wouldn't care probably[/spoiler]