I am simply curious as to what the more popular reasons are for people who are against the use of cannabis.
So if you are against it, what is your reason?
I'm not against it.
I don't hate pot. Do whatever you want. I hate the morons that live the "stoner" lifestyle. They only wear stuff with pot leaves on them, always have the number 420 around them at all times, and always tell you about how much they smoked and what they did while high yesterday. I hate people like that. I personally hope it gets legalized, that way both sides can stop fighting about it. I'll still never do it regardless, but I won't judge you if you smoke, but I [b]will[/b] judge you if you brag about it.
Because the MEXICANS and the BLACKS love it and it makes them go murder and -blam!- WHITE women. Seriously though, that was a major part of the reasoning behind its initial vilification in the U.S.
Edited by NIGHT LORD14: 4/9/2015 2:34:58 PMDidn't you see Reefer Madness? 3spooky5me
I took some dabs of sativa to the face a couple days ago and had a great body high. Anyways, I like doing it once every blue moon. It's perfectly fine in moderation and the majority against pot have probably never tried it.
Because it makes people eat Taco Bell, and Taco Bell's success perpetuates the myth that their products are both "Mexican" and "food".
No free samples
I think all drugs should be legal, from weed to meth.
I'm not. Just against smoking it in public spaces, as it can affect others.
We need to legalize weed so the idiots could wipe themselves out
Because people think they're better than you if they smoke it. Any of my friends will get a one way ticket out of my life if they can't control themselves if they start.
I love all of the "but wot about the children?" posts, in areas where weed is legal the usage rate in minors drops.
Edited by Leeroy Jenkins: 4/9/2015 4:48:55 AMThere are a few reasons, here's five: [u]1.) Military Career:[/u] I would like to pursue a career with a stop in the military and continuing on for a defense contractor, one mess up and I can kiss all that goodbye. [u]2.) The cost:[/u] Let's face it, Marijuana costs a lot of money to support. Much the same as cigarettes and alcohol. I never want to have to deal with that expenditure, and would much rather save it to build up a rainy day fund. [u]3.) The Smell:[/u] I don't know what it is, but I find it repulsive. No matter what it makes me gag and want to be somewhere else. [u]4.) The Lack of Productivity:[/u] Most of the pot smokers I know are generally unmotivated, while not a rule and more of a generalization, the desire to just sit around and smoke seems to be very alluring to them. [u]5.) The Alteration:[/u] I hate the feeling of loosing control, it sickens me. Even with alcohol (of which I'm not fond of either) I can't stand letting it "getting the better of me."
Because those frikin dandelions are taking over my lawn!
I just think it's a stupid waste of money
Edited by Mrsmajerus12: 4/8/2015 9:09:01 PMIf society should be against a drug it should be alcohol. Well and of course the harder drugs like meth and this new drug out there that they are comparing to bath salts. Alcohol doesn't have one good outcome. It's kills in many different ways and makes depressed people more depressed. It doesn't matter how many laws and rules they put on the shit everyone breaks them and people die daily, people kill themselves and their bodies slowly rot away. Marijuana has been given a bad name because of the bad light society has put on it. It has helped many people with different medical issues maintain and overcome their sickness. It's the people with no goals or ambition that smoke pot 24/7 that give it a bad name. THC oils taken from the plant and given in liquid form in small doses to a little girl who had 50 or so seizures a day now has only a few, no other medicines or therapy helped her. I'm all for Marijuana....if not abused. No matter what people say Marijuana it's self is not addictive, it's the person's mental state that makes them become "addicted ".
Because God is against weed.
not healthy
For the same reasons I'm against alcohol.
Geez some people on this thread are ultra defensive about pot smoking. I see people just posting their opinions and experiences and some responses just take dumps all over it and put words in their mouths they didn't say, lol.
Because it causes mental health problems.
Well for minors, I am against it's legal use. I've seen first hand too many kids just end up not giving a shit about school because they're too busy smoking and shit, one of my best friends from middle school is now 20 with no highschool diploma or GED, in a dead end job, with no motivation to improve. Then there's three friends I have who went to rehab after being addicted to synthetic weed, which started because the weed didn't get them as high. Two of my other friends who did graduate but have constantly smoked since entering highschool are also getting into harder drugs, one had episodes with heroin, shrooms, and LSD, and another is slowly getting addicted to coke, and both have went this far because the weed just wasn't enough. I know these situations are strictly anecdotal, and are not representative of the entire weed smoking community, and rather rely on these individuals' habitual personalities, but I've just seen it do enough damage to logically think that minors should not be smoking weed. I think that's already a no-brainer though.
Time and resources that should be devoted to going to space!
Weed addict: weed is God weed is life weed is... Cocanie addict: shit
Edited by Magiktako: 4/8/2015 8:48:42 PMWell, for one reason, it doesn't make anyone look cool. It stinks just as cigarettes do. I'm not totally against its use, however; it's just that people abuse it too much. Marijuana is fine in certain medicines, more so for severe illnesses. Some people can become dependent on marijuana as well, and in some cases completely addicted. Definitely not good for anyone, especially the mass numbers of teenagers that makes up the marijuana-consuming population.
Cause crack is better