I am simply curious as to what the more popular reasons are for people who are against the use of cannabis.
So if you are against it, what is your reason?
I'm not. I use to sell it though, so if it went legal I couldn't ever make bank selling again. That being said I have no plans to grow/sell again. So I'm all for legalization. It'll solve more problems then it'll cause.
I didn't like the feeling of it and it makes the user and everything in the area of it being used smell like shit
It smells gross so I can safely assume it also tastes gross
It breaks apart everything you worked for in life. Family, friends, work, partners. You take a life to build it and one addiction to break it.
regular smoking is horrible, cancer causing, disgusting, and dangerous i dont get why this type of smoking is so good considering all i hear is bias options
Unless it's for health reasons isn't it bad for you?
I'M AGAINST 12 YEAR OLDS! [url]http://freddy-fazbears-pizza.wikia.com/wiki/Thread:1592947#24[/url] GET THESE ASSHOLES!
Why are you for weed? There is so much scientific data saying it's bad for you. Plus, trying a drug like weed will just make the user more open to other, more dangerous narcotics.
Just passing through with some non anecdotal actual science for everyone.
Because it kills you
I have a disease that supposedly weed would help... but live in Missouri so no weed for me.
I support a legal, regulated, marijuana market. It needs to happen. The "war on drugs" is a failure and a colossal waste of money. It's also racist, there's tons of data to support this. And for everyone saying that anyone over 18 that smokes weed is a "burn out" or "failure", as I've said many times before on these forums, I'll say it again. I smoke weed every day for recreation. It's an awesome way for me to relax after a day of work. I'm a contributing member of society. I work as an Application Developer for a large bank where I make a 6 figure salary. I graduated college with honors. I have been very successful in my life so far & I am 27 years old. And guess what? I'm not the only successful "pot head". You'd actually be surprised how many people smoke weed.
I'm not against the use of marijuana, but sometimes, recreational use of it turns into using other drugs, such as meth or coke. That's not the case for everyone, but for some it is.
Just like alcohol, it can be very damaging if you get addicted to it. However, I don't think you should go to prison over it, it seriously only affects your own body. No one else's. Save our tax dollars and prison cells for the guys that really deserve it.
Not against it but I won't ever do it because it stinks and it's unhealthy
i was eating mac n cheese and it was good checkmate weed smokers
Because I love the feeling of laying against Marijuana
I have never smelt it or smoked it soo yeah
The smell.
Because it's for fgts
I don't smoke anymore, but I've got no problems with anyone else doing it.
I'm against smoking just in general tbf.. Don't like the idea of it
Don't smoke weed, smoke crack
I have an incurable disease, I am on a long term chemotherapy treatment. If I couldn't use cannabis my quality of life would be shit.
Kills dopamine in ur brain. Plus I was raised against it :/
Pro pot.