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Edited by The Monarchy: 9/5/2015 10:34:59 PM

LionHeart (RP)

[u][b]Status: OPEN[/b][/u] [i]"There is no higher power than one's own imagination, save for their will. If you desire something, you can imagine it. If you imagine something, you can find ways to make it a reality. It's that strength found within yourself and yourself alone that will give you purpose. In the world, life is always starting and ending, but purpose, unfortunately can rarely be found. Give yourself a voice and a pen: you are the protagonist of your own story. So get the girl or save the day. Make people feel wonderful or cast them down. Do whatever it takes to make your story one that people will enjoy until the end of time: you only have one chance to write it well. Be a hero. Be a LionHeart." [/i] [b][u]Origins:[/u][/b] [spoiler][quote]In terms of story origins, LionHeart RP is loosely based on a novel I am writing. I'll include a link to the rough drafts I post for suggestions when I can. The finished product will posted on WattPad, chapter by chapter. Feel free to give me suggestions, comments, questions, etc.: my WattPad name is TheTrueMarauder.[/quote][/spoiler] [b][u]Land:[/u][/b] [spoiler]There are three cities that make up the entirety of Taeda Vale: Cataluna, New Raleigh, and Perth Hampston. [quote]Cataluna:[/quote] [quote]New Raleigh:[/quote] [quote]Perth Hampston:[/quote][/spoiler] [u][b]Progression:[/b][/u] [spoiler]This is where you will find the current status and events of Taeda Vale, such as Plot/User character relations, boss statuses, and other important notices.[/spoiler] [u][b]Factions:[/b][/u] [spoiler]This is where you can check the status and mission statements of all factions within LionHeart. There are three base factions that intertwine with the plot: The Monarchy, The Insurrection, and The Residence. Users can create their own division within a faction, so long as they meet requirements. [quote]Current Factions:[/quote] [quote]Division Creation Tutorial:[/quote][/spoiler] [b][u]Biographies:[/u][/b] [spoiler]This is where you will find information regarding the main characters of this story. Links to their biographies and images will be posted in due time. [quote]User Characters (That's you!):[/quote] [quote]Monarchy Characters:[/quote] [quote]Insurrection Characters:[/quote] [quote]Residence Characters:[/quote][/spoiler] [b][u]Map:[/u][/b] [spoiler]This is where you can check the thread's world map for geography references, points of interest, and current influences over the three main regions. [quote]Map:[/quote] [quote]Current faction influences: Cataluna - TBD New Raleigh - TBD Perth Hampston - TBD[/quote][/spoiler] [b]Rules are the same as any other thread. You get what you put into this, and sometimes, that may not be enough. This land will be forever changed by your actions, so be wary of what you do or say. Welcome to Taeda Vale: Valley of the torch.[/b]
#LionHeart #fexil

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  • [spoiler]where do I put my bio?[/spoiler]

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  • * I sit in the middle of a field by my ship, waiting for Cobalt to arrive.*

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    • [b]Landing Bay Formal Introduction [/b] [i]a ship roars over the city, as it leaves its mach speeds, it lands in the docking area Upon landing, a tall figure steps out of the ship, closer examination reveals a women in power armor[/i] [b]Open[/b]

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      • Begins upgrade process of Taeda Vale

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      • *Sithis begins sleeping on a tree*

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      • Quest is in 7-8 hours.

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        • *Plays dirge for thread, which died in the line of duty, just before support arrived.*

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        • This place dead?

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          • [b][u]The Greatest Jubilee | Epilogue[/u][/b] [i]Metal clashes as Dante and Faraway claw and fight relentlessly. Swing after swing, blow, after blow, and yet not a single drop of blood has been spilt. Sparks fly as their attacks become faster. Faster, they swing, they combat and counter. Faster, their ferocity rises with every failed strike. Faster, until their blades parallel each other and they make contact with their opponent's chest. As both men fly back, Dante glimpses a distraught and bloodied June running towards him.[/i] "Not bad for a bunch of misfits, eh?" "Funny. I used to say the same thing about the guardsmen. But don't worry, victory is only as sweet as the blood of who fell trying to obtain it. Steel yourself, Marauder: you can't save your friend from all of us." [i]Faraway chuckles at this sound. For he, too, must admit.[/i] "You're right about that, but you assume I'm here to save him. You are sorely mistaken. He's my mark too." [i]Dante takes his words with a mild confusion, backing away slightly. He stares into the void underneath his cowl, trying desperately to find reason within his thinking.[/i] "Dante! We have to return to the Jubilee!" [i]He turns back and runs to June, who in turn halts any pursuit with a wall of purple fire. They depart, defeated, but confident. Almost as if they too have their own aces to play...[/i] [b]Quest: Complete.[/b]

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            • [b]Click. Click. Click.[/b] [i]"Oh, damn it all to hell and back."[/i] [b]The voice is of British descent, wandering through the forest. Despite it's elegance, the voice's volume is loud and grating.[/b] [i]"Where, oh where..."[/i] [b]It belongs to an android made completely of bronze metal armor plates, almost completely humanoid. The only things off about its anatomy is its exceptionally long arms and legs. The fingers end in surgical scalpel-like blades, curved and unhooked. The feet are absent, the legs merely ending in points. A single eye set within his "face" glows violet. A brown, decaying cloak is swathed around its shoulders.[/b] [i]"Really, damn it all! The Keystone, where is that Keystone?!?!"[/i] [b]He's picking at the ground, combing every individual piece of grass with swift, refined speed. His current path sends him towards the city gates.[/b]

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            • As June escapes, Rainer fires several shots after her. The murderess laughs as the laser bolts scatter widely, missing their targets. The young Guardsman collapses, despondent.

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            • Edited by The Monarchy: 7/25/2015 10:25:37 PM
              [u][b]The Greatest Jubilee | Ponderosa Forest, Eastern Taeda Vale[/b][/u] [i]The giddy June and sang-froid Dante approach the mass of renegades. They are alone, outnumbered by the warriors, but not outgunned. Faraway readies his falcata, and with a powered swing, he releases a dancing arc of vapor that races towards the duo. Dante leaps forward with his Nagamaki and angles the blade upside-down into the visible gust, dispelling it into the ground. Earth shatters and cracks under the force, but the legend himself remains unscathed. "So fiesty! And to think you wouldn't invite me to your little homecoming party. I'm astonished, flabbergasted! Did you miss me at all Felix?" Faraway eyes the oddly perky woman with a hint of disgust. "Sorry to dissapoint, but I'm not your man." "Oh? Wait, you aren't... Felix...? Oh, well, that's a tad embarrasing..." "No matter. You stopped us from beginning the hunt. Even if I bothered to ask why, we both know only one of us is going to walk away from this." "How trite." Faraway leaps forward with great force, rolling onto the ground and engaging Dante in mortal combat. The renegades, as unorganized as they are, all concur: He's going to need help. They rush in, only to be stopped by the elegant hum of the violet lady. "How rude. Leaving a lady unaccompanied is a sin in itself. Let me teach you some manners...[/i] --- [i]"I'm looking for an old friend who's wandered off from home..."[/i] [u][b]Boss Fight:[/b][/u] [b]June Bellicose, The Violet Lady[/b] [ESCAPED(=/=/=//=/=/=//=/=/=/=//X/X/X/X/X)] [b]Abilities:[/b] -Gaze of Strife: Enslaves the target player and forces them to fight along side the boss. Effect lasts for 30 minutes starting from first post made while enslaved. [b]Difficulty: HIGH[/b] [b]Boss Music:[/b]

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              • Edited by Ray Ray: 7/24/2015 7:50:21 PM
                A single Valmredian soldier limps towards Perth. His left leg looks like it has been used as a chew toy "God damnit," He mutters under his breath as he trips and falls, sprawling out on the side of the road.

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                • Edited by Sylok's Defiler: 7/24/2015 11:45:25 PM
                  [u][b]The Greatest Jubilee | Ponderosa Forest, Eastern Taeda Vale[/b][/u] [spoiler][i]Following the escape from Perth Hampton, the renegades spilt off into their own directions. Many of the nameless hunters follow the man who aided them in escaping the clutches of the Monarchy. The man walks to a small inlet. A pond shaped like a horseshoe, encompassing a peninsula with a broken tree stump. Fireflies sing songs of light that softly illuminate the small lake. He takes his Falcata from the half-sheath in his side, and sits on the stump. In his other hand, he twists a fragment of stained acrylic, feeling every nook and ridge it contains. The broken visor contains the right half of the cleft arrow insignia. With the visor piece still in hand, he reaches for his cowl and presses a hidden button from within it. An unmarked SOS Hums through all channels on the built in radio, hoping to call in allies. He knows if the Monarchy is listening, they will find him, but his chances of survival are nonexistent alone. He waits, slumped lazily against the stump, watching for whoever or whatever might cross his path.[/i][/spoiler] [i]As the rogues file in from parts unknown, the man hops up on the stump and opens his arms in a welcoming gesture. "I've never been good at the introduction and public speaking game, so I'll just let you all do the talking. In fact, why don't we play a game?" A plume of black smoke erupts from farther south in the forest. He sees this, and lowers his arms. "Five questions. That's all you get right now. So ask nicely.[/i] [u]Questions:[/u] [spoiler]1. [quote]What are we here for?[/quote] I've set bait, hoping that the most of you would come and find me. I see that it worked well, but many don't know why. The monarchy has grown from its roots. This land is plagued by its evil, and I can't stop it alone. 2. [quote]Who are they?[/quote] The Monarchy is a kingdom from a far off land. They've spread far and wide to expand their empire. The funny thing is that they used to be a land of peace. Now they've devolved into this: Slaughter, trafficking, the list goes on. They are void of humanity. I will give it to them in the form of blood. 3. [quote]So you are going to kill them?[/quote] No. You all are going to help me kill them. 4. [quote]Who are you? And who are the Marauders?[/quote] The marauders are a small, but very adept tactical response team that delves in the affairs of political and criminal worlds. They are heroes who selflessly give to the world what the world no longer can give itself: The will to act. They work extraordinarily well together, and have toppled crime organizations, militaries, and even a dictatorship regime. I do not consider myself to be one of them, not for all that's happened in between founding them and leaving. I am but a husk, who is looking to go back home and make things right. You may call me Faraway. 5. [quote]Why so mellow?[/quote] We're out of time. They've found us. And they sent an awfully familiar face to lead the charge.[/spoiler] [b]Directives:[/b] - Ask the shrouded man who he is. [b]Quest: START[/b]

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                  74 Replies
                  • A strange Psy-signature is seen to manifest itself in the New Raleigh stock pits. Slaves held there begin to become strangely defiant, but also more efficient. The guards posted over them report keys and weapons as missing, only to uncover them in their proper places under inspection.

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                    • [I]I arrive at Perth Hampton, after getting lost: again. I ride into view of the city.[/I] *sigh* It's about time...

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                    • [b]In the Ponderosa Forest, June and Dante attempt to find the trail of the renegades.[/b] "What a waste of time. My clothes are getting filthy." "Mhmm." "Honestly, I don't even think Hecate would dare wander in here, there's far too much... well, you know." "Mhmm." "Well, actually, I suppose if there was 'bait', she might follow-- Umph!" [b]She is stopped by Dante's arm, outstreched in front of her path. Siliently, he raises his other hand and points to a cabin near a broken wagon. The lights inside are on. June's pouting frown spins into a giddy grin of anticipation. She dashes out without a word and knocks on the door. Moments later, an elderly man opens the door. He is hunched over a cane, and slightly balding, but his tone of voice indicates that he is still strong and energetic.[/b] "Oh, I never thought to get visitors, e-especially at this hour of the night..." "Good day to you as well, sir! You see, me and my companion are a bit lost at the moment; perhaps you can give us a hand?" "Certainly! Please, come in!" [b]June and Dante enter the small, two-room cabin to find the old man its sole occupant. and ornate rug decorates the floor underneath a small, rustic oak table. A fireplace and cooking pot serve as a makeshift kitchen just inches away from the other room, which contains a two single beds and portrait of a lady.[/b] "Why, you'll have to excuse the mess. I live alone here, and there isn't much company aside from the wind." "Not to pry, but I see two beds in the back. I'm a bit paranoid, but I hope you aren't lying to us." "Not at all. My wife lived with me out here as well. She was such a lovely lady." "What happened, if I may ask?" "She died, during a pillaging raid on the town that once existed here, she was gunned down trying to help a boy out of the collapsed rubble of his burning house..." "Apologies, I shouldn't have asked." "No no! It's quite alright. I just hope you aren't here to cause any sort of trouble. It's not everyday Monarchy spies roaming through the ashes of my town." "Town? There was nothing here when we came through. I won't deny we intruded, but there's nothing but trees out there. And we aren't spies." "Nature has reclaimed most of it, I'm afraid." [b]The old man rocks the creaking chair, shifting uncomfortably, waiting for the silence to be broken.[/b] "If I can help you folks anymore, I'll be happy to, but I think I would like this evening to myself." "Of course, sir. I just have one question for you, seeing as you know who we are, or at the very least, what we do." "G-go ahead." "We're looking for a man and his lackeys. They might've come through here, but I can't guarantee they did. Did you happen to see anyone pass through?" "I can't say that I have, though it is dark out. Even if they passed through, I doubt my eyes would've been able to see them." [b]June sighes and looks back to Dante. His crossed arms unfold as he walks over to the table.[/b] "Would you like to handle this, Savona? It's been awhile since I've seen you in action." "I think I'll leave this one to you. You have a way with words that I simply do not." [b]A smirk and snicker from the woman betrays her intent, as she turns around to face the old man with violet eyes. The man is instantly captivated. She leans onto the table, slowly carrying her head back and forth. The man's eyes follow her subtle, yet mesmerizing movements.[/b] "I suppose it was worth a shot, but I was never a fan of politely asking. Perhaps you could be more inclined to tell me the truth?" "Certainly miss! There was a man with several followers. He passed through and left most of them here to keep them safe. Two others went with him: a man and woman." "No why would he leave some of them with you? You can hardly help yourself in this miserable dump?" "He figured that you two would follow him instead. He was only trying to save their lives." "I see. Well, I must thank you so generously for your help. Perhaps you would find a reward in serving me one last time?" "Anything for you, anything!" "Splendid! I'm so happy we could see eye to eye." "That was a terrible pun and you know it, June." "Oh, bite me. Now then: I regret to inform you that these innocent people you are harboring are all traitors to the Monarchy. Traitors must be punished, right?" [b]She puts her milky white finger on his neck and drags it up to his chin, calmly smiling with lax eyes.[/b] "O-of course! They're hiding under the floorboards, in a trap door under the table. It's the only entrance down there." "Thank you kindly. Normally I'd do it myself, but I don't want to get my clothes more dirty than they already are. would you be a doll and burn your cabin down for me?" "Of course, my lady!" "Good, good. And make sure you're inside too when you set it alight. You aided these criminals, it's only fair that you be punished too." "I will do it at once!" "Thank you... Your valiant deeds will not go unnoticed." [b]As the duo exit the cabin, fires creep from inside the house. Screams of all ages can be heard, but the man inside simply sat calmly, letting the orange claws engulf him.[/b] "Well that was fun." "You and I have very different definitions of fun, June. But I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." "So, did you get all that? Or did you cheat and use your powers too?" "I cheated to confirm my findings. He kept his path northwest, towards Cataluna. He isn't alone." [b]June pats Dante on the back twice, assuringly. She merrily skips onward.[/b] "Come, come! He won't die on his own!"

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                      • Edited by Trashcan Jesus: 7/24/2015 8:38:25 PM
                        [i]A lone soldier stands atop a mountain over the lumber district, his cloak blowing in the wind. A voice cuts across his comms.[/i] You're in the city again. Yes. Not exactly safe there, General. Trust me, I've seen worse. You've not dealt with magic before. Did you forget my previous operations in the area? Ah yes, but they are not... Organized. This Monarchy is. They do not play games. Neither do I. Then you should know what you're doing is risky. A worthy risk. Not to me. I need you out of the city. For what reason? That's not important, Wolfe. You know what you were told. I've got a plan. And that is? Deniable asset. [i]The soldier vanishes.[/i]

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                      • Edited by Ex PI: 7/24/2015 9:17:51 PM
                        [b]Three weeks after Sauron's Capture...[/b] The 100 Kriegan captives were moved to a work camp outside New Raleigh, and were soon embedded into crews in the slaughter pits of the city. Strange goings-on begin to be reported, and those telepaths who scan the area find the Kriegans and their leader, isolated as they are from each other, to be strangely... Blank.

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                        3 Replies
                        • *A lightning storm rolls in, no damage is sustained, but the lightning is there, as if by an unnatural source*

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                        • [b]In the Court of Isla Deus, the Princess paces back and forth between the Guardsmen, ripe with invective.[/b] "How was it we never knew of this second Marauder!? And why was he let into the city?!?" "It's possible he entered before the Venom Inc attack. We only performed full searches on incoming tourists and residents after the battle." "What's past is past. What we [i]need[/i] to focus on now is finding him, and putting a bullet in his head." "I concur with Hecate: we cannot allow him to rally a revolution." [b]The Princess ceases her steps and returns to her throne. As she sits, her calm demeanor is revitalized.[/b] "Very well then. Siris, take your expedition to New raleigh and attempt to intercept them. Hecate, move your assassins with haste to Cataluna. If we can't intercept, we'll head them off. June and Dante, take the route through the Ponderosa. Even if they're dumb enough to travel through that deathtrap, we'll need to confirm their deaths, or otherwise make them. Luciana, prepare your bloodhounds for the search. We will end this before it begins."

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                          16 Replies
                          • [spoiler]Back from hiatus.[/spoiler] *My character is reading reports from informants around the Vale, and seeing that the Marauders are back* Ah... Hello, Felix. Long time, no see. Well, not yet anyway. *I have my ship preform covert orbital scans for Felix's vital signatures since I got a scan of him when June kicked him off that cliff* I wonder... *While my ship searches the cities and a small radius around them, I go to check the Ponderosa forest.*

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                            • [b][u]The Distance Between | Epilogue[/u][/b] [i]The bloody and scorched armor of the Court Knight lay in the plaza before the main gates. The renegades revel in their hard fought victory, but it doesn't last long: Almost as if they were waiting for the outcome of the battle, Dante Savona dashes out with his nagamaki, injuring everyone with one fell swing. "I can't fathom this... A generous offer. A miracle for a reward. And you all turned it down." A fury cry raises his suspicion as he puts his sword behind his back, blocking the arming sword of a female woman. From another corner in the plaza, a man runs past two soldiers, axes drawn. Behind him, an energetic Hecate dashes to catch him. But as they are corralled into the plaza with the Warriors, a windy haze seeps into the square, hiding the cobblestone ground. The Guardsmen draw their weapons, slowly approaching a cone of smoke in the center. And as the two newcomers are put to the sword, a blast of wind and the while knocks them back. From the center of the blast, the shrouded man, the self-proclaimed marauder, emerges. "Apologies, my princess, but death is for another day." He waves his hand, rallying the surviving hunters. The origin of the smoke can be seen in his palm. A sword, an abnormally long, abnormally beautiful Falcata: the plague-like mist flowing from its grooves and edges. The smoke winds out, elongating the sword as the man swipes it across the closed gates, cutting it cleanly in half and opening an escape. The renegades run, fearing the following might as even more Court Knights file into the plaza. But the do not follow. Instead, they wait, for their princess, too, waits in the court, pondering the next move she can make. "There is nowhere to run. And nowhere to hide. It's time we stopped letting the guests make the first move..."[/i]

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                              21 Replies
                              • Do you kids actually rp on a forums page? Wow.

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                                • [spoiler]My phone's getting fixed and I missed everything! WHYYYY.[/spoiler]

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                                  • Edited by The Monarchy: 7/21/2015 8:53:37 PM
                                    [b][u]The Distance Between | Main Gate, Perth Hampton[/u][/b] [i]The shrouded man bursts through the double doors along with several other hunters who decided to run. He had no time to look behind him; there was nothing of benefit. Shrill screams of terror and pain stung at his ears. They may not have been innocent, and they might've been just trying to save themselves, but they were still people. Down the marble stairs to the entrance of the gravity well that leads to the grounded city, the man dashes along the side of the retaining wall, ejecting off of the floating island into the void space. He could still hear the voice of evil behind him: "There! Kill him!" He pivoted on his foot from the ejection, rolling in the air so that his body faced the sky. His right arm, from underneath the cloak, shifts in mechanical whirrs and clicks. As he begins to fall, the cloak rides the wind up his gauntlet, revealing a railgun-like weapon formed from his armor, charging. The dual alkaline rails click into a forward swept position, and fire a white hot projectile towards the pursuing Guardsmen. As the explosion rocks the island in the sky to and fro, the smoke and debris mask his escape, leaving the Guardsmen and the Aegis dumbstruck. "What the actual f*ck is that guy's problem!?" "Another marauder... This is news enough. I don't have time for petty delays, however. Find him. And bring me his head." The guards in unison shout "Yes Milady!" as they retrace their way into the Pantheon, unable to descend the shattered gravity well. Two court knights jump from the land above to intercept. Almost instantly, the second of the royal paiges is blown to smitherines from yet another supercollider shot. The trail of smoke leads from the front gates of Perth. Several distinct hunters manage to reach the gates without interference, but the explosion unorthodoxly relays the gist: the princess is in trouble. Renegade hunters eye the magnificent fireball as well, and quickly dispatch the guards by the gate. Free at last, they make one final dash out of the city, but not before the final Court Knight vaults over them all, stopping them at the gates with a mighty swing from its greatsword. Those who were smart (and lucky) enough to duck have no alternative, but to destroy the ironclad titan before they are caught by the Guardsmen...[/i] ----- [i]"You were given a choice to make. There are no second thoughts."[/i] [b][u]Boss Fight:[/u] Court Knight, Paige to the Aegis[/b] [SLAUGHTERED] FINAL HIT: The Duskwalker [spoiler]Alright guys, this is the Pilot for the new boss fight design. As in tradition, it will play out as a duel between your character and me playing as the boss. The Stagger Health Bar will be a realtime indicator of how the boss is faring, while specific callouts made by me will determine the actions taken and abilities used by said boss. Since this is the first time, this boss will have no abilities, no features mid-fight, and will have a 5-unit health bar. Normal attacks will only serve to rack up post numbers: If you want to deal damage, you need to outwit and outplay me. If all the characters die, the fight will restart in a different post, so don't f*ck up. Good luck, warriors. See you in the Epilogue.[/spoiler]

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