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Edited by The Monarchy: 9/5/2015 10:34:59 PM

LionHeart (RP)

[u][b]Status: OPEN[/b][/u] [i]"There is no higher power than one's own imagination, save for their will. If you desire something, you can imagine it. If you imagine something, you can find ways to make it a reality. It's that strength found within yourself and yourself alone that will give you purpose. In the world, life is always starting and ending, but purpose, unfortunately can rarely be found. Give yourself a voice and a pen: you are the protagonist of your own story. So get the girl or save the day. Make people feel wonderful or cast them down. Do whatever it takes to make your story one that people will enjoy until the end of time: you only have one chance to write it well. Be a hero. Be a LionHeart." [/i] [b][u]Origins:[/u][/b] [spoiler][quote]In terms of story origins, LionHeart RP is loosely based on a novel I am writing. I'll include a link to the rough drafts I post for suggestions when I can. The finished product will posted on WattPad, chapter by chapter. Feel free to give me suggestions, comments, questions, etc.: my WattPad name is TheTrueMarauder.[/quote][/spoiler] [b][u]Land:[/u][/b] [spoiler]There are three cities that make up the entirety of Taeda Vale: Cataluna, New Raleigh, and Perth Hampston. [quote]Cataluna:[/quote] [quote]New Raleigh:[/quote] [quote]Perth Hampston:[/quote][/spoiler] [u][b]Progression:[/b][/u] [spoiler]This is where you will find the current status and events of Taeda Vale, such as Plot/User character relations, boss statuses, and other important notices.[/spoiler] [u][b]Factions:[/b][/u] [spoiler]This is where you can check the status and mission statements of all factions within LionHeart. There are three base factions that intertwine with the plot: The Monarchy, The Insurrection, and The Residence. Users can create their own division within a faction, so long as they meet requirements. [quote]Current Factions:[/quote] [quote]Division Creation Tutorial:[/quote][/spoiler] [b][u]Biographies:[/u][/b] [spoiler]This is where you will find information regarding the main characters of this story. Links to their biographies and images will be posted in due time. [quote]User Characters (That's you!):[/quote] [quote]Monarchy Characters:[/quote] [quote]Insurrection Characters:[/quote] [quote]Residence Characters:[/quote][/spoiler] [b][u]Map:[/u][/b] [spoiler]This is where you can check the thread's world map for geography references, points of interest, and current influences over the three main regions. [quote]Map:[/quote] [quote]Current faction influences: Cataluna - TBD New Raleigh - TBD Perth Hampston - TBD[/quote][/spoiler] [b]Rules are the same as any other thread. You get what you put into this, and sometimes, that may not be enough. This land will be forever changed by your actions, so be wary of what you do or say. Welcome to Taeda Vale: Valley of the torch.[/b]
#LionHeart #fexil

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  • Crusader attacks on outlying areas continue unabated, despite some intervention by the Stratos Collective.

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    • Now, this is a story all about how My life got flipped-turned upside down And I'd like to take a minute Just sit right there I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air In west Philadelphia born and raised On the playground was where I spent most of my days Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school When a couple of guys who were up to no good Started making trouble in my neighborhood I got in one little fight and my mom got scared She said 'You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air' I begged and pleaded with her day after day But she packed my suit case and sent me on my way She gave me a kiss and then she gave me my ticket. I put my Walkman on and said, 'I might as well kick it'. First class, yo this is bad Drinking orange juice out of a champagne glass. Is this what the people of Bel-Air living like? Hmmmmm this might be alright. But wait I hear they're prissy, bourgeois, all that Is this the type of place that they just send this cool cat? I don't think so I'll see when I get there I hope they're prepared for the prince of Bel-Air Well, the plane landed and when I came out There was a dude who looked like a cop standing there with my name out I ain't trying to get arrested yet I just got here I sprang with the quickness like lightning, disappeared I whistled for a cab and when it came near The license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror If anything I could say that this cab was rare But I thought 'Nah, forget it' - 'Yo, holmes to Bel Air' I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8 And I yelled to the cabbie 'Yo holmes smell ya later' I looked at my kingdom I was finally there To sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel Air

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    • A convoy of Crusader APCs approach a Monarchy military outpost and begin firing. The few troops stationed there are overwhelmed and retreat from the area, leaving their base a burning wreck. The APC attack group disappears into the night.

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    • The Crusaders mobilize their forces...

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    • Firenze Cadolt walked around with Twenty ghostly hands surrounding him... "Interesting place..reminds me of Eden with more people.."

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      • The Crusaders begin to expand their domain, building several defensive outposts as well as a spaceport in the mountain peak surrounding the Altoberenfestung.

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        • Edited by AgentMizzmo: 7/13/2015 2:58:23 PM
          Redacted. Waiting for a different time.

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          • [b]In the blast zone of New Raleigh, Siris approaches several construction crews. Merihem is amongst them.[/b] "You have GOT to be shitting me." "Hello to you too, ya cheeky prick! How goes the politics in the Capitol?" "Tiresome." "Yeah, I could imagine... Hey, I was brainstorming a few new ideas for the Arena's name, buuuut... They're kinda trash... You wouldn't happen to have any ideas on what to call this place, would you?" "Call it what it is, Nigel: A shallow fricking crater for shallow fricking fights." "Eeesh, you know I hate that name." "You know I hate you." "Then why in the bloody hell did you stop by!? I got enough heavy lifting to do; I don't need to waste my time on lifting your fat arse outta here!" "My gods... Milady sent me to help you, so give me something to do." "Come up with a cool name." "Gods, damn you." "Seriously, the dome is almost built, and I've already politely asked Lucie to gimme some of her more attractive creations to use for fights. All that's left is cosmetics, so if you could Kindl-- WAIT." [b]Siris jumps back, startled by the oddball warrior.[/b] "What? What is it?" "It's a shallow crater..." "Oh my Lord, Stop the f*cking presses everyone. Merihem knows what an impact crater is." "Not crater... Caldera." "Oh... That's not that bad, actually."

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          • [b]Lego waits for june[/b]

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            • [b]in a bar of mercs[/b] Hello everyone, I'm Lego I have a huge array of guns to sell you Now I'm selling shotguns, so prepare your buts (prices to be discussed) Lancer 12 [spoiler]a combination of special packaged IP pellets, rifled barrels and compact design means that it has the longest range and accuracy of any other shotgun guaranteed, [/spoiler] The end [spoiler]double barrel, IP pellets of armour pricing fury, it also has magnetic assisted hinge means that it can reload in a flash [/spoiler] Rusty companion [spoiler]nothing much to say, forgehand design, its cheap but extremely reliable and a trusty friend [/spoiler] RFSG8 [spoiler]in the rune tools line, its a normal forgehand shotguns, as powerful as a Mossberg and its semi auto, it uses runes to enchant the rounds It comes with 8 rounds in the chamber and can hold 7 runes with 8 options (un enchanted) Runes that come with it, fire, ice, explosive, rock, enhanced impact, poison, void and lightening It also has a battery which can fire 400 enchanted shots You can buy extra special runes and batteries just ask [/spoiler] Da fury [spoiler]a full auto boom stick, it has a light mag so you can quickly reload and send hell on your enimies It has a 20 round clip, with a fire rate of 750 rounds per minute [/spoiler] Pellet storm, [spoiler]a 24 buckshot death dealer, its only concern is damage[/spoiler] Our Special Immortal bane [spoiler]uses a gem which deals 300% more damage against people from supernatural beings, this thing can kill gods. But it does normal damage to mortals If your on my nice list I'll give you a discount[/spoiler]

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              • *Shadow still lurks high above the floor on the underside of a pillar reading while waiting for the Queen to give her a mission* "She has such a temper this one...."

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                • [b]June Bellicose and Siris Burke enter the trhone room hall. The Princess, rather than being seated where she normally rules the valley greets June at the door with a backhanded smack. The crack of the slap makes the Aegises cringe.[/b] "What in the [i]bloody hell[/i] was that for?! Gahh!..." "Miss Bellicose, you have tested my patience far too much for the brief time you've been gone. There are members of the courts who would have you hung for desertion and matters of the like nature." "But, but... F-forgive me, Milady... I never should've stepped out of line." [b]Despite her personality, June's voice is found to be admirably sincere.[/b] "So then, the deed is done, Milady. Their fleet wasn't as crippled as we wanted to leave it, but Raime is no longer a threat. They've already dispatched messengers to negotiate a surrender." "Is that so? What of Luciana? She was the next in line for Guardsmenship: her input is most valued by me." "So long as we give her the means to work, she doesn't wish to be bothered. My men tell me she occasionally does some extracurricular gardening out by the gates. Other then that, she just keeps wor--" [b]Knock knock. Through the closed door a feminine and metallic voice can be heard.[/b] "Oh, heavens, he's back." "Time is short, my followers. Siris, rendezvous with Clarke in Nimbion; let us see what the Raimeans have to offer us." "At once, Milady." "June, travel to the shantytown that calls itself Old Perth Varcoe. You will be a most welcome sight, but we cannot afford to remain divided. And take care not to convey ill tidings." "Y-yes, Milady..." [b]The Chamion and The Violet Lady exit the throne room with an air of happiness and a bright imprint of the back of a hand, respectively. The Princess draws a long sigh to destress before she reseats herself on her throne.[/b] "You may enter."

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                  21 Replies
                  • Edited by Stratos: 7/10/2015 4:45:44 AM
                    *A Stratos Fleet arrives in planetary orbit* *Several [url=]Obliterators[/url] wake from solar orbit and lock onto their targets, awaiting orders*

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                    • I wish to join

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                    • (This seems pretty interesting.)

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                      • [b]As the sun dawns on the Valley, the Monarchy remains proud: light shimmers off of it's calm lake and ocean waters, the people are active early in the morning, helping clean up minor messes made from the assault the previous night. In the throne room, the Princess summons the Guardsmen who were present for the night-long raid.[/b] "Status report. How much damage did we receive?" "Milady, Each region sustained moderate losses, but nothing too major. It's actually pretty ironic. First off, the damage from the napalm in Cataluna was mild. Thankfully, a winter snowstorm hit just as the bombs ceased to fall. The cleanup crews simply had to put out what fires weren't snuffed from the winter winds and reforest once the blizzard passed. Minor damage to property. 7 casualties, 11 injuries. Luciana was present to confirm this. Next, Perth Hampston and the beast. The moment it dropped and was released from captivity, the Expedition took great measures to subdue the creature with little collateral damage. Siris and I dispatched it before civilians could be involved. No property damage. 6 casualties, 29 injuries, all military. The beast was brought to Luciana's labs for analysis. Lastly, New Raleigh. The horror of what remains was... well... Jaysus, how do I put this? The smoke from the impact spread a good 25 miles out from the impact, but thanks to Merihem and the Goliath, only about 3 square miles were completely obliterated. And while this sounds detrimental to our industry, Merihem is putting the shallow crater to good use. He's finally building the arena he's always wanted there. In the end, Major damage to property was sustained. 24 casualties, 9 injuries, miraculously. That son of a bitch is immortal." "Oh, well... This is interesting news. Siris, take your Expedition to assist Lord Firth in building his... whatever it is he's building now." "Wait! you're actually going to let him do it?" "unless you and your men feel up to resoodding three square miles of land, yes. It's the least we can do for him." "It... But... I'll get it done. I guess..." "Dante and Luciana. I commend you for your talents in upholding the peace and sanctity of our kingdom, but I implore you: How did you know he was coming?" [b]Dante and Luciana smile widely at each other before returning their attention to their master.[/b] "We never knew. For the past four nights we expected retaliation, but none came until last night. We devised a system of how to deal with the unexpected force, but the response we received was what we expected. My immaculate vision spotted the rift fluxes before they even opened. Luciana allowed us to travel in between cities. It was her powers that reduced the casualty count, I simply was the lookout." The princess leans to, listening on the edge of her seat, saturating the air around her with a contagious giddiness. "your actions and deeds last night were of the most valiant and brave nature. The valley thanks you. Luciana, if I could have a word in private." "I am far too busy for that, Milady. But yes, I can trace the rifts. I know where they came from. And I now know how to use them as well..."

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                        • *Now more calm and less hasty, I approach Perth Hampton in my ship, then land* *I find a more official looking guard than last time and address him* Hail. I'm JJ1042. Not my real name of course, but that I'm not going to disclose to anyone. Haven't for years. Now, I'm looking to find your Princess. I need to address her, and it's very urgent.

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                        • [b]offers new land [/b]

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                        • Edited by Trashcan Jesus: 7/10/2015 3:31:43 AM
                          A rift opens as a large, black, almost silent aircraft flies over at an immense altitude. The bay doors of the boomerang-shaped craft open, revealing row upon row of large bombs. As the bay doors open, the bombs begin to fall. They drop through the air silently, and hit the ground in a fireball. Napalm catches and burns the plant life and buildings, sparking immense fires. Civilians run screaming as their homes collapse in flames, as their bodies are burned and mutilated by the jellied gasoline. At the Old Perth Varcoe, a C-130H flies over extremely low, and a large crate slides out, impacting the ground lightly due to onboard parachutes. The crate lands, and the back of it flies off as something large walks out, totally invisible. It begins its hunt... 70 miles from the coast of New Raleigh, a lone ship moves across the ocean. With its jamming systems on, it remains hidden. From the bow of the ship, rises a massive cannon. It begins to glow blue as a deep whirring sound emits from it. With a deafening explosion, the ship rocks to port and enters a rift, leaving the area. In about five minutes, a white-hot shard of depleted uranium slams into New Raleigh, absolutely obliterating anything and everything within 25 square miles of the city.

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                          20 Replies
                          • The Crusaders on the Exile's Wall scan the area. The accursed arts of the Occupiers had erased much of the damage of the previous day's attack. The Crusaders know that with VINC's withdrawal, they will be the targets of any and all retaliation. For this reason, they've prepared the "Strangelove" protocol, in case they are overrun.

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                          • *After interrogating the guard, I head to try and find Felix, or June.* [spoiler]One of you guys reply?[/spoiler]

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                            • As the blasts sweep the valley, Crusader troops on the walls pull on their helmets, then start cheering. [i]Throw a nuke on top of the (expletive)s!! Woo![/i] [b]Tell 'em, Jenkins![/b]

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                            • *I walk around the outskirts, not entering, when I seem to find something* Apophis, I know it's you. [b]What? I was just doing some Espionage. [/b] But you're starting to leave a trail. If I could detect your on Firebase Delta, surely the residents here could feel you. [b]Well sorry. Now, what are you looking for?[/b] You.

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                              17 Replies
                              • I always click on these threads thinking it will be something interesting but it's always rp gg

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                                • [b]A cloaked woman rides on horseback to Old Perth Varcoe. At the gates she dismounts, an estoc at her side.[/b]

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                                  • [spoiler]You call a massive fortress-city the size of Berlin a shantytown? What!?![/spoiler]

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