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Edited by The Monarchy: 9/5/2015 10:34:59 PM

LionHeart (RP)

[u][b]Status: OPEN[/b][/u] [i]"There is no higher power than one's own imagination, save for their will. If you desire something, you can imagine it. If you imagine something, you can find ways to make it a reality. It's that strength found within yourself and yourself alone that will give you purpose. In the world, life is always starting and ending, but purpose, unfortunately can rarely be found. Give yourself a voice and a pen: you are the protagonist of your own story. So get the girl or save the day. Make people feel wonderful or cast them down. Do whatever it takes to make your story one that people will enjoy until the end of time: you only have one chance to write it well. Be a hero. Be a LionHeart." [/i] [b][u]Origins:[/u][/b] [spoiler][quote]In terms of story origins, LionHeart RP is loosely based on a novel I am writing. I'll include a link to the rough drafts I post for suggestions when I can. The finished product will posted on WattPad, chapter by chapter. Feel free to give me suggestions, comments, questions, etc.: my WattPad name is TheTrueMarauder.[/quote][/spoiler] [b][u]Land:[/u][/b] [spoiler]There are three cities that make up the entirety of Taeda Vale: Cataluna, New Raleigh, and Perth Hampston. [quote]Cataluna:[/quote] [quote]New Raleigh:[/quote] [quote]Perth Hampston:[/quote][/spoiler] [u][b]Progression:[/b][/u] [spoiler]This is where you will find the current status and events of Taeda Vale, such as Plot/User character relations, boss statuses, and other important notices.[/spoiler] [u][b]Factions:[/b][/u] [spoiler]This is where you can check the status and mission statements of all factions within LionHeart. There are three base factions that intertwine with the plot: The Monarchy, The Insurrection, and The Residence. Users can create their own division within a faction, so long as they meet requirements. [quote]Current Factions:[/quote] [quote]Division Creation Tutorial:[/quote][/spoiler] [b][u]Biographies:[/u][/b] [spoiler]This is where you will find information regarding the main characters of this story. Links to their biographies and images will be posted in due time. [quote]User Characters (That's you!):[/quote] [quote]Monarchy Characters:[/quote] [quote]Insurrection Characters:[/quote] [quote]Residence Characters:[/quote][/spoiler] [b][u]Map:[/u][/b] [spoiler]This is where you can check the thread's world map for geography references, points of interest, and current influences over the three main regions. [quote]Map:[/quote] [quote]Current faction influences: Cataluna - TBD New Raleigh - TBD Perth Hampston - TBD[/quote][/spoiler] [b]Rules are the same as any other thread. You get what you put into this, and sometimes, that may not be enough. This land will be forever changed by your actions, so be wary of what you do or say. Welcome to Taeda Vale: Valley of the torch.[/b]
#LionHeart #fexil

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  • [spoiler]You call a massive fortress-city the size of Berlin a shantytown? What!?![/spoiler]

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    • The Crusaders watch and wait. They know an attack's coming, the Augurs saw it. The question is when and how. The most they can do is transfer the civilians below ground and wait for the Occupation to attack them.

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      • Edited by jj1042: 7/9/2015 8:02:39 PM
        *I land just inside the gates of Perth, and then step out* *I address the nearest guard* I demand to see whoever's ruling Perth this week. I have questions for them.

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        • [b]SHREK. KILL.[/b] [spoiler]u all ded nauw[/spoiler]

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          • [spoiler]Comment for favorite so I can visit later[/spoiler]

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            • Noice.

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              • Inb410000

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              • [i]A lone Vertibird thunders across the sky, Fortunate Son playing on the loudspeakers. It drops low over the city and arcs out over the bay. A figure in power armor is standing in the doorway, a machine gun in his hand. He shouts over the noise from the rotors and the music.[/i] So this is it, huh? [i]Lovely[/i] remodel. Gonna be one hell of a reunion... [i]The gunship banks off and tears through a rift.[/i]

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                • Edited by Sardonyx: 7/8/2015 4:23:59 AM
                  [b]A Bar 11:45 PM[/b] [i]Several yells and constant cheering is heard A bit later a man flies through the window Inside, a women stands with her arm raised, clearly showcasing her victory, a few men in the background pass money around, bets where placed as to who was going to win The middle of the room is cleared out, a makeshift arena is set up out of stacked chairs[/i]

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                  • Edited by Immørtal Fulgrim: 7/7/2015 11:46:34 PM
                    *a hellacious battle fleet travels through the trans-dimensional explosion.. Thousands of ships arrive. Some travel into the galaxy to set up colonies while others circle the planet - it is unclear whether this fleet is friend or foe*

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                    • Edited by Immørtal Fulgrim: 7/7/2015 10:45:39 PM
                      [b][i]A massive, trans-dimensional explosion from above banishes the darkness on the planet below - flaming debris begins to fall through the sky, heralding the arrival of chaos.[/i][/b]

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                      • Oi mate i came for the fish and chips

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                        • The Crusaders' Great Council deliberates on the question of this new kingdom to their south. It is without question that this unknown monarchy knows of them, and that they possess significant supernatural abilities. The Crusaders have seen the brutal force of these occupiers, but they also know that they cannot fight them, not without the outside support they once had. But this kingdom may see them as the threat they are not. For a time, they shall watch, and wait. But if war comes, then they shall rise to its banner.

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                        • [b]a H-777 requests to land The message plays[/b] I'm here on forgehand duties, I'm not xyzzy, but he sent me

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                        • I heared rumours that June is back

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                        • Edited by Slimbingi: 7/6/2015 11:57:37 PM
                          [b][i]A paladin walks up to the valley.[/i][/b]

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                          • [i]Clink. Clink. Clink.[/i] [b]His footsteps echo across the city, static engulfing his very being. He is angry.[/b] [i]Clink. Clink. Clink.[/i] [b]Who dared to set foot in Her Highness' territ-[/b] [i]Clink.[/i] [b]Her Highness. When had he given her that title?[/b] [i]...Clink. Clink... Clink.[/i] [b]He walked with uncertainty now. The Primordials answered to no one. And yet... Her Highness? No. That was given to her to keep her happy. She was useful, but still beneath the Council. That much was certain.[/b] [i]Clink. Clink. Clink.[/i] [b]He approached the gates, his previous anger relighted, rekindled. Nobody dared step on his territory. Not without the proceedings of the Council. For he was Cain, and nothing escaped his wrath.[/b]

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                            • The Crusaders fortify the great Citadel-Monastery of their Order, sure that the city will not greet them with kind words. The Antiochus of their order worries for the people of Perth. This was their land once, and this small slice is theirs once more, but these new settlers, who shaped the lands and sea in a new fashion, seem ruthless and cruel. The Guardsmen who yet stand watch on the Exile's Wall report blazes in the distance, fires the like of nothing they had seen since the Scourging. The smoke and smell of the dead floated over Old Perth for weeks, sending the animals of the forests deep in their dens and burrows, and the children of the city refused to leave their homes. Whatever came to pass, the Remnant did not wish for war. Enough had died already, far from this place, their home. The Crusaders did not wish for more blood to be spilt in the name of their people.

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                            • [b]Siris Burke kicks open the doors to the throne room, the axe of the Royal Aegis meeting his neck with a bolting speed, but halting before blood can be drawn.[/b] "Milady, we have an issue." "Do tell us that it isn't Luciana again? Her experiments always seem to end up working with a catch of some sort." "There is a force approximately the size of ours and with just as much strength, if not greater." "Sir Burke. You must've known that such brash action will gain you no authority in my court." "I understand that, Milady, but something must be done. I've prepared the expedition; we're ready to march on your command." "And set fire to every obstacle that stand in your way? The smoke from all those bodies will let them know you're coming before you even cross territories, and the city gates get stuck an awful lot..." [b]Siris glares at the guest in the palace.[/b] "Feeling better yet?" "Almost. I figured I'd tag along, just to jump back into things. Besides, I can't let you have all the fun by yourself; that's a crime in itself." "And to think half the twats in this kingdom missed you..." "Silence. Both of you. Siris, if you believe this threat to be credible, take your expedition and crush it before it can take flight. And take your associate with you; she's in need of a welcome-home party." "Oh? I thought I already got one, but no matter." "Ugh... We'll get it done." [b]The two Guardsmen leave, and the Aegis returns to it's post.[/b] "Mr. Clarke. Send word that there are contracts for any assassins who wish to serve their Lord." "right away, Milady."

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                            • The Wandering Crusaders conduct a purge of the mountain range in which their new city has been built; all the flora and fauna transplanted by the Terraform Event is burned and replaced by archived specimens of original Perthian wildlife.

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                            • [b]In the Palace throne room, the Princess awaits the tidings of her officials.[/b] "Miss Emory, Milady is ready for you." [b]As the doors swing open, a young-looking woman with short, navy blue hair approaches the throne and kneels. Next to her stands a hefty fellow with curly brown hair.[/b] "Milady, I come to you with something you may find intriguing." "Luciana, our Lady has little time to deal with your scientific discoveries as of late. Other, more pressing matters require her immediate attention." "Such as? What could possibly be more important than the pursuit of knowledge?" "Solidifying myself within this land of fallen shadows, miss Emory. Traitors and treason are abundant in masses, as I'm sure you are aware." "O-of course, Milady. I apologize for speaking out of line." "Remember that while I have much grander things on my mind, I am not deaf. Understood?" "Yes, Milady." "Good. Now, since my focus has been interrupted, speak. You came with words you believe to interest me?" "Yes, I've found a solution to tacking down the traitor. Humans themselves have more common sense than any other living creature in our world, and as such, they possess intuition. Problem solving skills, if you will. However, morality stands in the way of efficiency. Hounds have keen senses, which is why man has used them to hunt and track their game. But hounds are only as tamable as the master they obey." "What does this mean for us, Luciana? I'm not letting anyone with needles close to me, so you best have an alternat--" "If you would let me finish, I'd explain! Of course, the limitations of science can only be bent, not broken. So how does one combine the strengths of both, and none of the weaknesses? The answer, Milady, is youth." "Fine work, miss Emory; I assume you will need subjects and resources to work with, yes?" "I will. And should these results be conclusive, we will have our solution to finding the Traitor."

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                              4 Replies
                              • Edited by Ex PI: 7/5/2015 6:21:26 PM
                                The Wandering Crusaders and the Perthian Remnant settle their fleet in the old Dead Seabed base of the Perthian Guard. Their civilians, along with many soldiers, move into the newly-made mountains and build a new fortress-city, completed by engineer crews within weeks of the refugees' arrival.

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                                • Edited by Sylok's Defiler: 7/4/2015 2:47:47 PM
                                  [b][u]Introduction | From Fields Afar...[/u][/b] [b]The world around him seems to almost shudder with every step. Be it an unparalleled holiness or an undefinable evil, the animals of the plains back away at his sight, plants withering away to nothing as he passes. He is looking to come home.[/b]

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                                  • Edited by Stratos: 7/5/2015 2:40:15 AM
                                    *[url=]Colonel Jameson[/url] and [url=]Tarkson[/url], an ambassador, from the Stratos Collective arrive at the gates, flanked by several [url=]giants[/url]*

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                                    • [i]A lone figure is seen eying the city from afar, standing on a hillside. A large eagle lands on his shoulder, his cloak blowing in the wind. His eyes scan the city, looking out over the new layout.[/i]

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