I am simply curious as to what the more popular reasons are for people who are against the use of cannabis.
So if you are against it, what is your reason?
Well for minors, I am against it's legal use. I've seen first hand too many kids just end up not giving a shit about school because they're too busy smoking and shit, one of my best friends from middle school is now 20 with no highschool diploma or GED, in a dead end job, with no motivation to improve. Then there's three friends I have who went to rehab after being addicted to synthetic weed, which started because the weed didn't get them as high. Two of my other friends who did graduate but have constantly smoked since entering highschool are also getting into harder drugs, one had episodes with heroin, shrooms, and LSD, and another is slowly getting addicted to coke, and both have went this far because the weed just wasn't enough. I know these situations are strictly anecdotal, and are not representative of the entire weed smoking community, and rather rely on these individuals' habitual personalities, but I've just seen it do enough damage to logically think that minors should not be smoking weed. I think that's already a no-brainer though.