I am simply curious as to what the more popular reasons are for people who are against the use of cannabis.
So if you are against it, what is your reason?
Edited by Mrsmajerus12: 4/8/2015 9:09:01 PMIf society should be against a drug it should be alcohol. Well and of course the harder drugs like meth and this new drug out there that they are comparing to bath salts. Alcohol doesn't have one good outcome. It's kills in many different ways and makes depressed people more depressed. It doesn't matter how many laws and rules they put on the shit everyone breaks them and people die daily, people kill themselves and their bodies slowly rot away. Marijuana has been given a bad name because of the bad light society has put on it. It has helped many people with different medical issues maintain and overcome their sickness. It's the people with no goals or ambition that smoke pot 24/7 that give it a bad name. THC oils taken from the plant and given in liquid form in small doses to a little girl who had 50 or so seizures a day now has only a few, no other medicines or therapy helped her. I'm all for Marijuana....if not abused. No matter what people say Marijuana it's self is not addictive, it's the person's mental state that makes them become "addicted ".