No, but I own and have read the bible. If I'm going to get into a debate or an argument with a Christian or any religion really, it would help to know what im talking about. Reading the bible is would drove me away from religion, personally.
Interesting... Do you understanding the Bible's concept of a stiffen neck?
It has something to do with the Jews, I haven't looked into it much to be honest.
It actually doesn't have anything to do with the Jews. The phrase was describing more so an Egyptian under the guise of a similar metaphor.
Okay interesting
Edited by SSG ACM: 4/10/2015 2:21:23 AMYes, there was homosexuality in the Bible. God detested it.
Edited by IamPluto: 4/9/2015 5:51:50 PM[quote]The Bible says that He is the beginning, and He is the end (Rev. 22:13). Since God, by definition, is the creator of the whole universe, he is the creator of time. Therefore He is not limited by the time dimension He created, so has no beginning in time God is the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity (Isaiah 57:15). Therefore He doesn't have a cause.[/quote] So how does that not mean god doesn't exist? Explain this to me, because from my understanding existence by definition is temporal. How could anything [b]exist[/b] out side of time?
Edited by SSG ACM: 4/10/2015 2:25:57 AMYou are seeing that "exist" is used in the context of a being limited by the dimension that he is in. God, not being bound by time, doesn't reside in the dimension of time (2 Pet. 3:8); thus, he doesn't exist in the time dimension that we live in but in the dimension from where heaven resides.
[quote]You are seeing that "exist" is used in the context of a being limited by the dimension that he is in. God, not being bound by time, doesn't reside in the dimension of time (2 Pet. 3:8); thus, he doesn't exist in the time dimension that we live in but in the dimension from where heaven resides.[/quote] I'm saying that if you [b]exist[/b], you reside in time. When you use "exist", you aren't meaning temporal. You don't mean resides in time. I honestly don't know what you mean by exist, because existence is temporal. Anything that exists necessarily resides in time. You are literally saying a "temporal being resides outside of time." The god would still be in time if you use the word exist. Honestly don't know how else to explain it. And that verse mentions nothing about god being outside of time. If anything god moves at the speed of light Lol.
The word exist means to have real being whether material or spiritual. I have mentioned anything to have anything to do or related to temporal.
I'm not saying existence means time. I'm saying existence is temporal. It relates to time. You can't say, "I have an existing apple." And have no form of time applied to that. Take away the time and the apple ceases to exist. Once you say something exists you are putting a duration on it. That is what you are doing with god.
...God created time genius; thus, he has no cause. Logic.
Edited by TaterWedge13: 4/9/2015 6:36:08 PMBecause God is above time, God is not bound by time, for he created time. Time was a curse given to earthly beings for their sin.
What verse is that from?
You're not understanding me. [quote]Because God is above time, God is not bound by time, for he created time...[/quote] Saying god exists and saying he is outside of time, is contradictory. That statement is contradicting itself. Existence is temporal, correct? Then if you aren't temporal, you aren't existing. How don't you see that? Also what an assertion.. [quote]Time was a curse given to earthly beings for their sin.[/quote] I'm pretty sure you're making that up. Don't remember the bible saying that.
I don't remember that either?
God exists not in time since he created it. Being bound by your creation is illogical and stupid. Logic: Love it..
Don't pretend like you understand logic. Saying a god exists outside of time, which makes no sense. On top of that you having no evidence for such an irrational assertion... But keep trying to condescend, it makes you sound even more stupid.
I have no reply from two replies ago.
You sound flustered. Do you need a break?
I see no point in continuing this... No point in repeating the same things over and over... You think god exists outside of time. That doesn't make sense because [b]existence is temporal[/b]. Not only is there no justification, but we can never get any justification, because we can't go outside of space and time.
Edited by SSG ACM: 4/10/2015 12:41:10 AMI don't think He exists outside of time because I know He exists outside of time. I GOT THE LAST WORD (not the gun, the debate).
XD It's semantics. You have a warped definition of existence, time and knowledge. And I'm perfectly ok with that.
Then what is the definition of existence?
Glad that we agree that you can agree. Let me know when you get the Stiffen Neck concept. Reply if you Christians understand the concept.