I was doing the Roc strike against Omnigul with one other Guardian (another had apparently gotten tired of dying and gone to orbit early in the strike, while fighting the Fallen). We entered her lair. The other Guardian promptly ran for the back corner and jumped up onto the crates, where he more or less hid for the rest of the fight, poking his head out to shoot from time to time.
My only thought was, "Really? You feel the need, as a Level 32, to cheese a Level 26 strike?" Luckily, his antics caused Omnigul to turn and shoot in his general direction often enough that I was able to more or less solo the strike from the hallway side, and a friend joined my fireteam halfway through; but it took about twice as long as it should have done.
OK, so, whatever. Play the game your way. I'm not here to tell you differently, I guess. And of course there are parts of some strikes that everybody cheeses- the Devil Walker, the Goliath tank- those pointless mid-strike Boss Mooks that only exist as a gateway to the final boss, but will kill you with one shot. I cheese them, too.
But when it comes to the final boss- is there really any reason to cheese him (or her)? With a little caution, you can survive any boss encounter, even solo. I've done every single Roc strike and completed the bounty for not dying multiple times. Only bad luck or recklessness can kill you. Cheesing the boss is actually MORE dangerous in many cases than playing it straight.
Please, will you just do the strike? Hold the cheese.
I like mine with wine, thank you very much.