Thanks. It's amazing that the guil- ah I mean business backstabbed me for that Black Briar meadery.
* points axe blade to your neck *
*throws hands up* whoa, whoa, man, so are you a member of the business I used to own or a mercenary sent by Maven?
No, I've never heard of that person *looks at you with red eyes*
*backs away slowly* yeah, not a very good liar. So.....why don't we just anything I said and we go our separate ways*hands you a coin purse of 5000 gold*
No, I've never heard of maven and I'm just here for something
Oh, I'll just be on my way* pickpockets the 5000 coin purse back when you aren't looking*
*turns around and hand turns into a beast claw* now listen, I could let you go, if you give me the money.
:/ FIIIIIIINNNE. You couldn't kill me if you tried, but here*gives money back*Besides, why would a master thief-oops I mean businessman and a daedric prince need to get in a fight for such little money?
Thief? *laughs* you couldn't even steal a dime.
Yup, business is a bitch