This post is to help those struggling to find a team to complete story mode with. Post here and speed through the story mode!
I'm currently making my fifth character, I deleted my 32 Titan to make a warlock
GT:Swine SMC
(I have two other 32's and I raid weekly, feel free to add me)
Hey people, I'm not necessarily new to destiny but I am starting a new warlock character and I could sure use the help. I'm a level 5 at the moment and my GT is "emochris1" please and thank you
Hosting Oryx Cp carries, streaming on twitch., need 2 each run I have a team of 4 308+ light experts on oryx, we have the cp saved on alts and are carrying randoms through oryx for the next 4 hours. We don't care what level or experience you are. All you need to do is listen to us and not swear or you will be kicked as we are streaming. For an invite send me your best yo momma joke over Xbox GT: Xdr Chroniic (there are 2 i's)
Anyone interested in joining a Xbox one clan who will be dedicated to destiny , then join kuramas revenge. It has potential to be a great clan I'm trying to help them expand so if interested just give a join and we will accept leave your gamer tag and we will add you immediately. Trying to start a friendly community. And we play 24/7 times. Again the clan is k
Leveling a hunter. At level 12. If you wanna grind some vanilla, hit me up. Gt is same as here.
looking to get some help leveling up im lvl 30 atm
Anyone want to lvl? I'm 26 lock or willing to make new character
Anyone want to level up with me? Done mission 1 with warlock (happy to do it again if needed) GT DannyJigsaw
Message if interested to start a new character. Am doing my hunter. Gt is the same
Messgae Squeker Voices if you are up to make new characters
Just started a new character, anybody wanna help level me up? If you help I can just about guarantee a spot for the raid. Message WTFRightnut for an invite. Thanks ahead of time.
Hey My friend is hosting a live competition right now! Message Gt : aceadoodle A funny destiny insult (be imaginative) To win one of the prizes witch consists of a Xbox one controller , a iTunes gift card , a cash reward and a few more funny little prizes for runners up Don't hold back on your words the funniest most insulting ones linked to destiny shall surly win something Typing a message is a short price to pay for a cool reward and your gamer tag being mentiond on his next YouTube vid! So get typing away my fellow keyboard guardians!!
Hey guys I'm stuck on the last mission on mars. Can't beat the echo of oryx and I'm on like try 20... Could you give someone a quick hand? Xbox 1 name above
I created a female Titan, I had a male but decided to switch. Can some help me hit rank 20 so I can equip the gear my old Titan had? Thanks message Mr WiggleJiggle if you can
Starting a second char L3oof
Im leveling a new character if anyone is down. Shoot me a message. Gt is same as name.
Lost to light need help message for invite
Need people to level up second characters
Looking for help leveling up
Looking for help leveling up
34-40 hunter for taken run through msg or inv
I'm looking to go through story. Ebonylouisee , Xbox One. Currently level 34. Add me!
LVL 28 TITAN LOOKING TO GeT TO 40. ANYONE WANT TO RUN THE STORY MISSIONS AND LEVEL UP WITH ME? My main account is 307 light. Message me if your around lvl28-30. GT is the same as above.
Need 2 for fears embrace mission. I'm at the end. Message me in game for invite. Gt spyderdiablo316
[READ] NEED 2 GUARDIANS || FRESH RUN || XBOX ONE || SKYPE NEEDED. -------------------------- PLAYER REQUIREMENTS ; • MUST HAVE COMPLETED RAID. • 295+ LIGHT. • RAID KNOWLEDGE ------------------------- YOU DON'T NEED A MIC, BUT IF YOU DO WANT TO COMMUNICATE, WE ARE ON SKYPE. ------------------------------------------------ IF YOU WANT TO JOIN, MESSAGE ONE OF THESE ACCOUNTS BELOW. GAMERTAGS - • pK Obey - 304 Hunter. • pK Mute - 306 Titan. • pK Original - 303 Titan. • Lappse - 304 Hunter. ------------------------------------------------ PLAYING ON 2ND / 3RD CHARACTERS FOR THIS RUN.