I think it looked good with the original vault of glass raid armor. The Crota raid armor not so much.
Yeh I agree, the old vanguard armour looked amazing in my view
That's so true I miss that crap man
I remember the days I used to look up at the 30s and save my marks for that chest, but as I was about to get it, the next day DLC dropped and I couldn't *cries lots*
I got my last piece of raid armor to level thirty a day before the DLC came out
VOg raid armour was pretty good thoug, now I have 3 pieces of tj and really want. To wear the helmet cos it looks amazing but can't cos of new DLC gear
I had all raid gear then I deleted it cause I was stupid so I started getting it back but I can't drop the gloves now o.O
Lol I can't delete the helm- I want the chest armour now