This thread is inspired by another: view original post
I brought beer and pizza.
We got chips and hot wings!
We have Jim Beam Honey, Fireball, White Lightning, and Buffalo Trace.
For pizzas, we have pepperoni and cheese. Now with cheese-stuffed crust. We got bacon-wrapped pizza now!
[b][i]Please note, this thread does not condone the idea of a "master race/class."[/i]
All classes are allowed![/b]
Dredgen Yor is here!
Edit: Shin Malphur has killed Dredgen.
Dredgen has a message for Shin: -blam!- you shin, I'm still here
Jaren Ward told me he's also part of the thread now.
Cayde-6 is here!
Pahanin says hi.
We got Exo and Awoken strippers!
The Last Word is here!
At the moment, we're at 2000+ replies!
We hit 777 replies!
We hit 1000 replies!
We hit 2000 replies!
We hit 100 likes!
We hit 200 likes!
We hit 300 likes!
We hit 400 likes!
We hit 500 likes!
We hit 600 likes!
Thank you guys for all of the replies, this is my most productive thread.
Staggers into the meeting room....the hem of my robes nearly tripping me up. I brace myself against a nearby table as i ripped my helmet from my head and tossed it aside clumsily tossing the present i'd brought to gain entry under the table also. The room was filled with animated chatter and stories regaling the feats and accomplishments of the others all in good humor of course including the little wagers and one upmanship but that was not my pressing concern at the moment. As i tried and failed to get my breathing under controlI felt my mouth begin to fill repeatedly with saliva. I knew what this meant as regardless how i tried to quell the filling of my mouth with the substance it would just come back as quick. Unfortunately what i thought was merely me feeling sick and unwell was not exactly what was wrong with me per se. As i felt a burning sensation run up through my neck the intensity of which only increased as it hit and stuck at the back of my neck. A concerned hunter assuming i'd simply had too much to drink approached from my left and turned me to face them. This was just as ghe intensity had reached its zenith and i opened my mouth to try and tell them to move..... "Well....i didn't expect this to happen" I mused aloud as I stared at the shadow imprint of the hunter who tried to see if i was alrite embeded in the wall. Apparently i had learned to fire a concentrated Nova beam that obliterated my short range ally.....who's ghost was now giving me the old hairy eyeball....i could swear it was twitching...then it sighed and in a resigned tone relented..."Guardian Down...." I looked around the room at the rest of the gathered guardians then looked down at the floor where i had placed the present i had brought a legendary cloak which i placed upon the hunter i obliterateds ghost. "When you revive him give him that!" I spoke quickly as i blew a hole in the wall to the adjoining room as the chatter which had stopped as they stared at me incredulously trying to recover from me annihalating one of the participants. "I'll make it up to yee next time!" i shouted as I ran for my life thinking they would be after me. Apparently however they didnt mind or got used to it after the surprising ammount of titan smashes performed upon unsuspecting hunters and warlocks as they rounded corners. However in my haste to exit the room i did not take into account that this was the last building in the commons overlooking the traveller.....and then i fell. "Guardian down"
*throws money at screen*
So, am I late?
*backs out slowly*
Hello there. I have arrived.
Edited by YSG gecko: 8/3/2015 12:26:56 PM[b]Sign If You Are Hyped For Nightstalker[/b] Thank you all for blowing up my phone If this reaches 150 signatures ill give out a red ill code [spoiler]Jk[/spoiler]
☐ Not rekt ☑ Rekt ☑ Really Rekt ☑ Tyrannosaurus Rekt ☑ ☑ Grapes of Rekt ☑ Ship Rekt ☑ Rekt markes the spot ☑ Caught rekt handed ☑ The Rekt Side Story ☑ Singin' In The Rekt ☑ Painting The Roses Rekt ☑ Rekt Van Winkle ☑ Parks and Rekt ☑ Lord of the Rekts: The Reking of the King ☑ Star Trekt ☑ The Rekt Prince of Bel-Air ☑ A Game of Rekt ☑ Rektflix ☑ Rekt it like it's hot ☑ RektBox 360 ☑ The Rekt-men ☑ School Of Rekt ☑ I am Fire, I am Rekt ☑ Rekt and Roll ☑ Professor Rekt ☑ Catcher in the Rekt ☑ Rekt-22 ☑ Harry Potter: The Half-Rekt Prince ☑ Great Rektspectations ☑ Paper Scissors Rekt ☑ RektCraft ☑ Grand Rekt Auto V ☑ Call of Rekt: Modern Reking 2 ☑ Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Rekt ☑ Rekt It Ralph ☑ Left 4 Rekt ☑ ☑ Pokemon: Fire Rekt ☑ The Shawshank Rektemption ☑ The Rektfather ☑ The Rekt Knight ☑ Fiddler on the Rekt ☑ The Rekt Files ☑ The Good, the Bad, and The Rekt ☑ Forrekt Gump ☑ The Silence of the Rekts ☑ The Green Rekt ☑ Gladirekt ☑ Spirekted Away ☑ Terminator 2: Rektment Day ☑ The Rekt Knight Rises ☑ The Rekt King ☑ REKT-E ☑ Citizen Rekt ☑ Requiem for a Rekt ☑ REKT TO REKT ass to ass ☑ Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Rekt ☑ Braverekt ☑ Batrekt Begins ☑ 2001: A Rekt Odyssey ☑ The Wolf of Rekt Street ☑ Rekt's Labyrinth ☑ 12 Years a Rekt ☑ Gravirekt ☑ Finding Rekt ☑ The Arekters ☑ There Will Be Rekt ☑ Christopher Rektellston ☑ Hachi: A Rekt Tale ☑ The Rekt Ultimatum ☑ Shrekt ☑ Rektal Exam ☑ Rektium for a Dream ☑ ☑ Erektile Dysfunction[spoiler]I brought this[/spoiler]
I would like bacon bits ontop of my bacon wrapped pizza pwwweeeaaassseeee!
Titan bring nachos.
Hey look it's my old ......acquaintance Are dregs aloud ......
I am back lol
More like uldron salt
Excuse me, where is the la croix?
my hunter lv 28 because i like vog armor used a unleveled thorn in regular cruicuble went 21-11 with 8 stupid assists
I brought some warlocks so we can practice our knife throwing!
Uldren I may not be the nicest guy and I think we got off on the wrong foot so umm... Can I kick/kill all the warlocks in your meeting or whoever you don't want in...
We need more conversation :/
How'd I enter this party? THROUGH THE WINDOWWW Then I walked out so I could go again THROUGH THE WALL And then I repeated
- ate the last slice of pizza and left the box? Eris, I'm looking at you.
Just a friendly vex passing through
Hey hunter you around 12000 replays short of the Titan family meeting!