This thread is inspired by another: view original post
I brought beer and pizza.
We got chips and hot wings!
We have Jim Beam Honey, Fireball, White Lightning, and Buffalo Trace.
For pizzas, we have pepperoni and cheese. Now with cheese-stuffed crust. We got bacon-wrapped pizza now!
[b][i]Please note, this thread does not condone the idea of a "master race/class."[/i]
All classes are allowed![/b]
Dredgen Yor is here!
Edit: Shin Malphur has killed Dredgen.
Dredgen has a message for Shin: -blam!- you shin, I'm still here
Jaren Ward told me he's also part of the thread now.
Cayde-6 is here!
Pahanin says hi.
We got Exo and Awoken strippers!
The Last Word is here!
At the moment, we're at 2000+ replies!
We hit 777 replies!
We hit 1000 replies!
We hit 2000 replies!
We hit 100 likes!
We hit 200 likes!
We hit 300 likes!
We hit 400 likes!
We hit 500 likes!
We hit 600 likes!
Thank you guys for all of the replies, this is my most productive thread.
I've set up a shooting range at the back, sniping competition anyone? If you hit, take a shot, see who lasts the longest. If you golden gun, you're setting it back up. Damage anyone's cloaks due to skip rounds, I'm not helping you survive.
"Get your free cloaks here!" "Free Cloaks"
Dont mind me just a warlock coming in *has nova bomb ready in case an arc blade shows up*
Yeah I'll just stand silently in the corner sipping my drink smiling knowing I'm in bad company... Till the day I die
Comes in with electric force thunder. Arrrghhhhhhhhhh. Scurries out like a centipede.
Edited by Xyrin Arcaiin: 6/16/2015 3:52:26 AMGuys, we have to pay our respects to Quickman100's cloak. Which tragically fell off a cliff on mars as he was using the Aegis during his fight with Atheon.....He never saw it again. Press X to Pay Respects to his cloak *presses X*
Give me food
Exo strippers? Why no humans?
We shall throw the crypt ark off the tower at 9:00pm Est ok hunters
We can play darts. I brought the extra knives :D
Hello! What's going on over here?
I got the coke.
Hi guys, just a friendly Titan......*stealthily drops Missigno, leaves*
Let me get a slice of that pizza! And throw me a brew!
U said void bow? U said nightstalker? U said is that all imma shoot u with? Of course
What do you guys hunt? I hunt big game... moose, bear
You now have a Fallen Baroness here. I'll be in the corner eating the pizza and maybe a Ghost
I'm here you just can't see me >:)
Edited by Cobalt: 5/5/2015 3:23:04 AMBeware: this post contains dangerously high levels of frabjousness.
I was playing control a few days ago and my entire team was hunters. We won. [spoiler]i was kinda hoping for all thorns as well.[/spoiler]
My squad of 3 hunters rekt sum noobs in da trials. Hunters hve sweg
I'm so in
Awoken Hunters anyone?
I have arrived. Hunters united we will destroy the darkness one golden gun and arc blade at a time.
You guys know that area past dead orbit is a club for hunters? Look closely next time your there, it has all hunter armor, knives, and our flags hanging from the roof, see you guys there