This thread is inspired by another: view original post
I brought beer and pizza.
We got chips and hot wings!
We have Jim Beam Honey, Fireball, White Lightning, and Buffalo Trace.
For pizzas, we have pepperoni and cheese. Now with cheese-stuffed crust. We got bacon-wrapped pizza now!
[b][i]Please note, this thread does not condone the idea of a "master race/class."[/i]
All classes are allowed![/b]
Dredgen Yor is here!
Edit: Shin Malphur has killed Dredgen.
Dredgen has a message for Shin: -blam!- you shin, I'm still here
Jaren Ward told me he's also part of the thread now.
Cayde-6 is here!
Pahanin says hi.
We got Exo and Awoken strippers!
The Last Word is here!
At the moment, we're at 2000+ replies!
We hit 777 replies!
We hit 1000 replies!
We hit 2000 replies!
We hit 100 likes!
We hit 200 likes!
We hit 300 likes!
We hit 400 likes!
We hit 500 likes!
We hit 600 likes!
Thank you guys for all of the replies, this is my most productive thread.
Edited by Neceos: 4/16/2015 12:32:56 PM(`_´)ゞ
We are all Hunters4lyfe
*Walks in with fatebringer *Cocks gun. *Fires head shots everywhere *Drinks the blood of the hunters Haha hunters
NEW VIDEO THIS FRIDAY!!!!!! CALLED [b]I'm a better Hunter/Titan with my WarlockGod! Episode 1: Warlockgod Never Dies. [/b] IF YOU DIDNT SEE BATTLES IN THE CRUCIBLE 1 & 2 WATCH NOW!!!! #WARLOCKGOD #CRUCIBLEGOD #DAYONEWARLOCK #SPACEHII
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We should all celebrate and go to VoG and show Warlocks how to shoot a gun and aim, maybe if we show them that they will stop being so grenade happy
We need a better Hunter post
We Need a warlock version
-blam!- titans..thats all i got to say:) #team hunter
I think I'd make a better host...
The party is here
*Twirls The Last Word*
Can I come? I'm a Wolf Kell.I brought beer
[quote]I brought beer and pizza. We have bourbon, assorted liquor, whiskey and vodka. For pizzas, we have pepperoni and cheese. Now with cheese-stuffed crust. Dredgen Yor is here! Now, we need Pahanin Errata... Edit: Shin Malphur has killed Dredgen. At the moment, we're at 500+ replies. I'm not sure how to respond to this...[/quote]hey guys I'm here it's now a party
*Walks in with warlock buddy* asks buddy for drinks* warlock rips space and time and brings the best drinks in history to the party![spoiler]MOUNTAIN DEW AND RED BULL BABY!!!!![/spoiler]
I brought a tap. Where's the keg?
I have a barrel of 700+ year old Glenlivet. Who'll raise a glass with me?
Hi, Im a titan and I'll just stand out here wishing for pizza... then I toss a flashbang, then steal a slice and run.
Will Eris be here?
Hi -A Titan :)
Do we have a warlock for the throwing knife wheel?
Hunter checkin in! Wassup fellas?
HODOR.... Oops .... I mean TITAN!!
Edited by Rockstarr0191: 4/15/2015 10:00:50 PMWhy are Titans always crashing the party??
Edited by nonononononono: 4/15/2015 11:09:02 PMAm I the only one that cuts steak with my battle knife?
I h8 u