This thread is inspired by another: view original post
I brought beer and pizza.
We got chips and hot wings!
We have Jim Beam Honey, Fireball, White Lightning, and Buffalo Trace.
For pizzas, we have pepperoni and cheese. Now with cheese-stuffed crust. We got bacon-wrapped pizza now!
[b][i]Please note, this thread does not condone the idea of a "master race/class."[/i]
All classes are allowed![/b]
Dredgen Yor is here!
Edit: Shin Malphur has killed Dredgen.
Dredgen has a message for Shin: -blam!- you shin, I'm still here
Jaren Ward told me he's also part of the thread now.
Cayde-6 is here!
Pahanin says hi.
We got Exo and Awoken strippers!
The Last Word is here!
At the moment, we're at 2000+ replies!
We hit 777 replies!
We hit 1000 replies!
We hit 2000 replies!
We hit 100 likes!
We hit 200 likes!
We hit 300 likes!
We hit 400 likes!
We hit 500 likes!
We hit 600 likes!
Thank you guys for all of the replies, this is my most productive thread.
Be right there, just gotta clear objective A first.
*quietly sits in corner*
Request:If you guys see a titan called "A Titan"...slaughter him
I want that awesome looking cloak the hunter is wearing!!
Can I have the pizza
Fashionably late...
Brings in Crotas eyes as a necklace for the host
Brings beef jerky, sits down
Can i have slice, im hungry!
Brings popcorn, sits down :)
Cheese-stuffed... You aren't referring to the raid in any way are you? *badum tsss* No? Ok this hunter will go...
Edited by Superr Joshh: 4/14/2015 8:59:00 AMLots of throwing knives and apples. One Dreg. Apple on top of the Dreg's head. [spoiler]Aim of the game: Hit the Dreg. Then eat the apple.[/spoiler]
All you hunters suck mah huge steel Titan balls all you suck ass juice come at us and we'll -blam!-ing punch you're face so hard the queen will feel it
My hunter was the last character I made. I like the warlock void walker with annihilate and bloom to make everything explode and the Titan defender to generate lots of orbs, but hunter blade dancer is probably the most fun subclass there is and is very effective in reviving teammates and many other things. I will always be primarily a warlock, but will always love the hunter playing style. :)
I brought an ATS/8 Arachnid for Piñata
*walks in to the post* perhaps i have entered the wrong thread..
Prank calls post here: *calls warlock* Me: sup lock got the goodies? Warlock: what goodies is you talkin boot? Me: DEEZ NUTZZZX, HA GOT EEEEEMM
Shin Malphur in dah hizouse!!!
My fellow hunters, tis a pleasure to meet you all
Eris Morn walks in. Fellow Hunters are under the influence...Would u let them score?
Edited by GundamWing14: 4/13/2015 6:49:53 PM*Random Titan appears*:I brought soda.* Hunter in the center* :what brand of soda? Random Titan:Why havoc. Random Hunter: I'm not familiar with it;can you show me the bottle? Random Titan: I can't Random Hunter: why not? Random Titan: Because you can't contain a Fist of Havoc! * precedes to hulk smash everyone in the room*
Randall the vandal walks in
a stripper pls
I'm a titan and beautiful hunter is the most amazing hunter I have ever met.
Hello hunters :)