the planet surface is red from the iron oxides in its soil... that layer is really only two meters at its deepest. It's not covered in ice because there seems to be no water present on the surface.
Well no liquid water. There's plenty of water at the north and south poles of the planet
Isn't water defined as H2O in the liquid state... are you saying there is plenty of water at the poles? I didn't even think there was enough atmosphere to keep it from evaporating away...
From the Curiosity rover on Mars they've found that at one point liquid water flowed on Mars. If you google pictures of Mars you can see the ice caps. Now wether those caps are made out of H20 I have no idea and they haven't sent a rover there (to my knowledge), but its suspected to be H20 given that no other compound seems to accumulate at the poles of a planet.
The guy is either a troll or dumb
Dumb troll?