Pluto is not a planet for several reasons. 1: it's too small. Smaller than our own moon in fact. 2: Pluto along with another dwarf planet revolve around each other as they revolve around the sun. If you want to be a planet you can't revolve around another planet. I believe there is one more reason but it eludes me at the moment. And the website is nasa.gov. You can't have a fake .gov website
Pluto is too small? How about you land on Pluto and see if it's too small then?
How old are you?
Why does it matter how old I am? Everyone knows that Pluto is a planet, regardless of age. All planets = Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and finally the Sun. Cone on, this is common knowledge. You're just dumb.