I did u cool
Helm of Saint-14 is the only bae
Shut up, Saint-14 is situational
Get out of here... Ven...
Lol no
Oh Ven, I'll show you...
Your roll is pretty poor. I did want another armamentarium, but not like this.
Mine is a 161 roll, when I run it I get max discipline!
Maybe if you would quit being stubborn and change with my shader. Then I just might use you.
I'll work with Bungle on that one
Get off my nuts. Got you twice from nightfall already and I run you most of the time anyway. You're so damn needy you know.
If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best.
I have had you maxed out ever since Xûr first sold you!
I did...
Uh [b]fu[/b][b]ck you[/b]
I want Suros. But you'll always be my buddy.
Gotcha man! Keep on titan-ing
I found you as my very first exotic ever
Awesome, glad to help
No... Ruin Wings FTW