When you play a game, what motivates you to play it? Why do you like it? What is so rewarding and fun that you keep coming back to it?
[spoiler] I'm working on a project right now, so this will go a long way in helping me make it, thanks.[/spoiler]
EDIT: If you want to post what games you're playing now that'd help a lot, thanks. :)
(EDIT 2) Side Question: When you play anything hard in a game, and you finish it, what do you find rewarding?
You want to know why I play video games? Its a difficult question to answer. Sure I play them for fun...but it goes beyond that for me. I use video games as a way to relax...to let out all of the frustration. Being in the military there are alot of things that go on that you cant control but in games like Destiny or any rpg/ mmo I can control it. And honestly it gives me one more way to communicate with my family while I am away. We can talk and play at the same time. Its literally one of my favorite ways to just relax.