When you play a game, what motivates you to play it? Why do you like it? What is so rewarding and fun that you keep coming back to it?
[spoiler] I'm working on a project right now, so this will go a long way in helping me make it, thanks.[/spoiler]
EDIT: If you want to post what games you're playing now that'd help a lot, thanks. :)
(EDIT 2) Side Question: When you play anything hard in a game, and you finish it, what do you find rewarding?
You raise a tough question. I suppose that at the top is narrative. I've played and replayed my favourite games because I enjoyed the story or characters. Next is communal experiences. Many games I play due to them being something I can do with my friends (we prefer cooperative over competitive mostly). Lastly they are an entertainment outlet. After along (and sometimes miserable) day at work a good game session does more for me than any book, movie or song ever can. As far as what I am currently playing: - Borderlands: the pre-sequel - Destiny - Replaying persona 4 golden - Occasional minecraft sessions