Whenever a titan or warlock show up just blink jump to felwinter them. Blam these fools for invading our party!
We shoulder charge forward,spin and felwinters before you can find where the hell we went [spoiler]shoulder charge shotgun is actually a good combo with high sensitivity[/spoiler]
Then I'll blink again, he have two, and you'd have to run around in a circle to start yours up again.
[quote]We shoulder charge forward,spin and felwinters [i]the air because you blinked again and are now putting buckshot in our backsides[/i][/quote] FTFY
No blinker ever does that. They don't expect it. And assuming you get hit with a cd then...heh...
Titans are invincible. I'm sorry
I'm pretty sure dinklebot revived you.
No I'm invincible.
No dinklebot revived you. Don't be a scrub, give credit when it's due and go back to your titan party in ur 70 ton tank please
WHAT DID YOU CALL THIS DEMOCRACY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shut up nerd
Blink Felwinter combo on Titans and then arc blade the warlocks with the encore perk and mask of the third man close to the respawn zone and forever win.
[quote]Whenever a titan or warlock show up just blink jump to felwinter them. Blam these fools for invading our party![/quote]