*25 ship uncloak in orbit around the dojo* Ninja you are charged with the stabbing and destruction of tables and chairs. Surrender yourself to the Confederation of Furniture Overlords.
[spoiler]not me[/spoiler]
Does it help if I have no recollection of this?
See what happens when you get drunk ninja?
Yes, but you still deserve a slap on the wrist.
Do not take us wrong, we simply want to carry out justice. [spoiler]see furniture agreement group post[/spoiler]
It's in the group post. Under my name. [spoiler]I'm on my phone can't post link, don't know how[/spoiler]
*the ships go into a formation* FORMATION: 4 sets of six ships surround a ship carrying an orbital drop station. one ship from each set of six shields the carrier and orbital drop station 4 of the ships in each of the sets of six surround the shield ships to defend them The last ship in each of the sets of six sends out 2 small drones and re-cloaks The drones cloak themselves and ping enemies
*Orbital drops fall withc 4 combat drones each* *the drone assmble and Open fire* *a larger Officer drone lands as it assembles hismelf with a Reflector shiels as he stands iin front Tracking enemies*
You cannot get in shield and generator ships are protected by other ships which can track cloaked enemies
*the drone projects its own shield* *the orbital cannons destroy the defender shisp then go abck tot he other ships* *none of my troops arte cloaked they are buidl for direct combat* *your drones start getting mowed down to the hevier fire power of the DOjos drones*
My drones are cloaked and, please, stop destroying the federation ships. Destroying anymore ships will be a declaration of war. We just want to bring justice to Ninja's crimes. [spoiler]read the group post[/spoiler]
My duty is to rpotect the DOjo. and Ninjas is the MAster of such DOjo. *appers hsmelf On the forntline with large combat machiengun* AND SO I WILL!
My duty is to rpotect the DOjo. and Ninjas is the MAster of such DOjo. *appers hsmelf On the forntline with large combat machiengun* AND SO I WILL!
We are not threatening anyone's life. The punishment for destruction of furniture (as said in the group post) is a slap on the wrist.
............Abotu that *all war mahcien stops* *Steps in front of you* *punches you with violence* *retusn to evalueate why he hasnt kill anybody yet*
*wipes blood of lips* Now could we please carry out justice?
*pucnhes you agian* when its worth it
Hey, I never attacked you.
But its stupid your alw bullshit epsceially if he didnt sign then he isnt obligated to nto hurt furniture
Yes, but anyone who owns furniture has signed it. I didn't post the full agreement.
I havent signed shit
No, but have you purchased furnature?
* shot down*
*ships are unharmed*
* the ship crashes into a mountaintop *