I'm sick of people waiting every week for xur just to buy his weapon of the week. A lot of the [b]XURNERS[/b] shouldn't be spoon fed by Xur. They need to do nightfalls and raids like a lot of us that actually [b]EARNED[/b] our exotic weapons.
If Xur is going to sell a weapon every week it should only be Dragons Breath and No Land Beyond. This will encourage xurners to go out and earn their weapons.
Keep the hate coming [b]XURNERS[/b]. I didn't know Xur had a lot of [b]Kids[/b] that he has to spoon feed.
Keep dancing for me little puppets!
Did 3weeks of night falls. Got only a shit load of strange coins, a legendary pulse rifle, and a bunch of upgrade materials. So I spend all those coins on something that apparently I'm not suppose to, weapons, but I guess if I would've gotten 9 exotic weapons instead of getting to buy two I would've been 100% legit. God damn, I'm such a scrub, cause these video games really, really matter in real life. If only my boss knew I got some exotics an entitled little bi-tech got from a raid I'd get a promotion. God damn it.