TITAN? Lol what a joke
How's your bubble? Oops destroyed by my golden gun or eradicated by my lighting sword?
Oh look. A Hunter. Again.
It's ok. I love myself A Hunter. [spoiler]Heh[/spoiler]
I hope you guys notice but I use 3 equally ! Especially my titans bubble which I love ! I just love to see people's arguments it's... Fun
Lighting sword? It's hardly a knife
Actually it's exactly a knife. The -blam!- this guy going around calling it a sword?
It's a butter knife!!
Pardon? It's a hunting knife. You know, for [i]hunting[/i]? Rather useful if you're a [i]hunter?[/i]
I call it a butter knife! So when I go blade dancing, I laugh at everyone who let themselves fall prey to my electric butter knife :D
....electric butter knife. Aight, I can respect that lol
Lightning [b][i]SWORD[/i][/b]
Oh I love smashing you guys to death when you are coming at me with the pussy arc blade with yours.
It's alright, 8 out of 10 times it's a golden gun coming your way to blow you up [i]combustion[/i]
Edited by Cmdr Dornick: 4/11/2015 12:03:21 PMI WILL RIP YOUR INVIS RIGHT OFF YOU!! PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE!!! AND STEAL ALL YYOUR CHICKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sure.... Just wait for my knife to land right in your face without any regrets meat head.
I'm invincible. And I eat knives
HUNTER lol what a joke! Just lemmie FoH you and insta kill you or blind you with saint-14 WoD, good look blindly swinging at me like a retard like that, plus we are so better at helping team mates with it. But good luck with those 3/4 bullets friend. I'm sure you'll be fine in your own family gathering...
Lmaoo your hilarious that bubble is incredibly weak against both my 4 shots and my arc man don't even try your better off with your fist of panic
Not that difficult to be honest.. But I do think "A Hunter" is very disrespectful. Please accept an apology on behalf of all the rational hunters.
Lol man I use all 3 all equally, i just do this to see the arguments in fold and see the intellectuals rise or the idiots to cause a laugh!
It's ok, in all honesty, your specials are pretty cool! :D
Yeah invis sucks gg golden gun
I think all the classes have amazing perks. Hunter, Invisibility and throwing knife are both really fun. Titan, With Helm of Inmost Light, FoH is very enjoyable. Also all the grenades for titans are really good. The Titans jump is by far my favorite. Warlock. Nothing is more fun than Bad Juju and Obsidian mind combo on a voidwalker. Also can generate a ton of orbs as a sunsinger.
Agreed, also blade dancer makes you feel badass, sun singer is awesome in nightfall, and defender is a raiders dream! Agree?