Not that difficult to be honest.. But I do think "A Hunter" is very disrespectful. Please accept an apology on behalf of all the rational hunters.
Lol man I use all 3 all equally, i just do this to see the arguments in fold and see the intellectuals rise or the idiots to cause a laugh!
It's ok, in all honesty, your specials are pretty cool! :D
Yeah invis sucks gg golden gun
I think all the classes have amazing perks. Hunter, Invisibility and throwing knife are both really fun. Titan, With Helm of Inmost Light, FoH is very enjoyable. Also all the grenades for titans are really good. The Titans jump is by far my favorite. Warlock. Nothing is more fun than Bad Juju and Obsidian mind combo on a voidwalker. Also can generate a ton of orbs as a sunsinger.
Agreed, also blade dancer makes you feel badass, sun singer is awesome in nightfall, and defender is a raiders dream! Agree?