originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
I need some help with VOG normal can anybody help??
I can help lvl 28 hunter gt slaypsycho good weapons
[quote]I need some help with VOG normal can anybody help??[/quote]go to orbit
Hi Jo, you'll have better luck in #recruitment. To edit your post tap the three dots icon and edit the tags. Be sure to list your console. Good luck!
Hi Jo, you'll have better luck in #recruitment. To edit your post tap the three dots icon and edit the tags. Be sure to list your console. Good luck!
I'll help if your still doing it GT ST0RM x Savage
[quote]I need some help with VOG normal can anybody help??[/quote] lvl 30 hunter w/experience (not using mic) gt BVDOG
Remove the #Help tag. This doesn't belong here