I can't find any Warlocks and I don't think the hunters will like me...
C-can I stay with you guys? :3
*Shivers and crosses arms trying to stay warm in the cold drizzle outside the front door*
Bro grab a beer and we'll supply the rest!!! <3
Heh. [spoiler]Lel[/spoiler]
*hands bag of chips talks with mouth full* there really good
I want some chips.
*Takes a chip & nibbles it* :3
*makes into little bites so kitty can eat it* *pays head and pets*
So cute! :3
Awww :3 We don't mind.
:3 :)
Yes you may. :)
*Looks at you blankly, unsure what to say or do, Still standing in the rain*
*lets in*
*Quickly cuddles you and stands in the hallway* :3
*meows and purrs*
:3 I like kitties
:3 <(^_^<)
I thought someone stole the kitten? :(
We got it back
Pewwhh I was worried :(