*Stumbles into main room, brushing of my starfire protocol...*
"Hi everyone!" <(^_^<)
So can I add you or na
Just wanted to make sure you weren't one of those people who judge by age
Nup <(^_^<)
So can I add you on xbox one or na
Of course ^_^
K \^_^/
I hope I didn't make everyone hate me cause my age
No you didn't we're all young and old small and big it's cool
Oh ok
I just made mine different like 20 minutes ago I was originally QuirkyJoe18 but now I'm Skullfort yay me lol
Oh, you're quirky Joe. It all makes sense.
Yea I am lol
Well on Xbox I'm still QuirkyJoe18 but on here I'm Skullfort :D
Cuddlez you on 360 or 1? I'll add you if you are
One :3
I'll add you when I get mine in May k?
Kk :3
:3 :3 :3