*Stumbles into main room, brushing of my starfire protocol...*
"Hi everyone!" <(^_^<)
Oh I don't know what that is but ok
Hehehe neither did I till engram showed me
Ok sometime I can go outside the map or something and see what your talking about it
Oh I don't know what that is but ok
What's been happening
Nothing really, But .. thanks for the games, That thing In the black Garden was awesome, Would love to do more =,)
I resisted. Phew. ;)
Ps I'm waiting for a Titan to make your comment dirty lol
I resisted.
Okay I know a lot more stuff
Awesome!! ^_^
bored due to farming xp aaaaarggggh lol
Needs more cuddlez
you can you just gotta find me first hint im on xbox one in the tower near the speaker
*Hackzors the game* found u ^.~
where am i then
Some place B)
You can cuddle me...
Do you have a computer?? [spoiler]im curious if this homeless warlock has found a computer in the street before [/spoiler]
No :( (Yes I do) lol