*Stumbles into main room, brushing of my starfire protocol...*
"Hi everyone!" <(^_^<)
Does she like human Titans?^^
She has a thing for Exo's but also for Titans in general :3
Yay! Well I'm both I have an Exo Hunter and a human Titan :3
:3 >.> There are so many guardians to choose for my date! D: Exo Hunter's, Loads of Titans a warlock that loves Starfire protocol too.... >.<
?? :/ all!!
It's a storm of machinery and masculinity.
Sounds amazing :3
*shoulder charges everyone else* now you only have one choice.
Choose meh! ;) lol!
Cuddles? :3
*Cuddle* :3
Yes she does
Hey Cuddles! :D
How's you? \^_^/
I'm feeling... Cuddly ;)
Sometimes I wonder about the cuddling that goes on here.
It's more than cuddles with me... (\:/)