*Stumbles into main room, brushing of my starfire protocol...*
"Hi everyone!" <(^_^<)
Turn that frown upside down ^^
Ok I'm going to bed for realz this time. Good night :)
Cya man!
Lel goodnight prewwty Exo ;D
Doing very fine very fine indeed. ;)
Why are we both doing ;) so much ;)
Idk! :D ;)
:D ^.~
Such cute emoji :3
Thank Ya \^-^/
\^-'/ winky
;D ;)
What the... Bad connection
welcome warlock....did you bring food?
No, I'm... Homeless :(
It's k. You can live with me and my Titans (>^_^>)
:3 T-thanks <3
I tried to sleep, but got bored. ;) [spoiler]Lel[/spoiler]
Silly Exo ;)