*Stumbles into main room, brushing of my starfire protocol...*
"Hi everyone!" <(^_^<)
Just remembered Exos don't sleep. I think. *cuddlez instead*
Edited by SmashHerHalls: 4/12/2015 6:39:18 AMOh dear um I feel like I'm gonna pass out from tiredness. Must. Stay. In. Thread...
Sleeeep Prewwty Exo... Sssshhhh hush... :3
*Passes out* Good nigh- *Robotic snoring*
*Shoulder charges through window* THEYRE HERE!!!!!! GET THE TANK READY NOW!!!! INFORM THE MARINES!!!!!!!
I'm will go get all the explosives we didn't use
Edited by Cmdr Dornick: 4/12/2015 11:46:54 AMIVE GOT THE TANK!!! *grins* Actually an entire convoy really.
GO GO GO!!!!
welcome warlock....did you bring food?
Hello, welcome warlock....did you bring food?
Jealous of sweeper bot. - old
Everybody quick, smash the nerd! -
Edited by SmashHerHalls: 4/15/2015 8:15:43 PM
Jealous of sweeper bot. - old
Nevermind. You're with us. Sorry. Thought you were a different warlock. -
Hi prewwty Exo! :3
I don't have eyes. But I still see u.
U iz still prewwty :3 I'm awoken, Everyone hatez me and say "Blue skin not prewwty!" :(
Honestly, Awoken chicks are pretty hot. Ask the queen.
I -blam!-ed the queen she's not bad not bad at all hehe lol :D
Lel. [spoiler]How'd it go¿[/spoiler]