*ruin wings are made of a corrosion resistant material,because it'd be stupid to make exotic armor for a soldier out of something that can easily corrode so logic restores me to titan size*
*logic remembers you are a titan, thus you eat the can, being to stupid not to*
*logic remembers Titans are not only soldiers,but strategists. Therefore are capable of rational thinking just like any other class,also the quote from the postmaster at the tower about Titans,showing they've at least got decent intelligence. Then I eat the can because I really don't give a damn* gotta get iron in your diet somehow eh?
*remembers you are a titan, sees shadow and fist of panics yourself*
Fist of panic? Sir,I'm a soldier. I don't panic. Unless I stumble upon a group of enemies in crucible all in a small area...but that's more strategic panic destruction
I apologize i meant FISTING of panic...
Well,if you enjoy seeing that0.0
I enjoy killing things... but i regret to inform you that i have seen what goes on at your titan parties
That's only for the female Titans who enjoy such activities Or the occasional male. Titans have no qualms with what others prefer
Just stay away from ny knives and golden gun and we all good 😏😏
Indeed. And don't fist bump me. Many a friends made that mistake.-. The melee was charged
Well ny titan just hit level 20 sooo
Hey I have teleporters an heat seekers I'll find you in a second
My armor covers my heat signature, so you know, i can be sneaky. Have fun though!