I'd get the Team of Invisible Ninjas to steal the Magnifying Glass the Size of Redmond, Washington, and batmobile, to burn a layer of cardboard, I'd get chris redfield to punch a boulder and make it fall on the box to weaken the cardboard even further, Sam Fisher would lead the breach into the box to scout for the contents, Captain macmillan would be waiting approx. 500 YDS away with a sniper trained on anyone who tried to steal the contents of the box. Once sam fisher scouted the box I would send Solid Snake, who just skydived out of the millenium falcon into the box, to retrieve the contents of the box. He'd then proceed to escape the box and drive to my house in the Batmobile. mission accomplished, very complex, I understand if you can't handle it.
Never forget Arby n the Chief
lmao i didnt think anyone would catch the reference.