So there are a multitude of Final Fantasies out there. Each title and game ranges from anything from the PS1-Gameboy-current gen consoles. I want to hear your guys opinion on what you thought was your favorite final fantasy and possibly discuss what made some FF games succeed, and what made others fail.
I'll go first by saying that my favorite final fantasy is definitely FF 12. I loved the new fighting mechanics, the art that went into the game, the ability to develop your characters and strategy however you like (full team of mages? Sure. Want an enhancer, a ranger, and a berserker? Go ahead), and the incredible sound track and graphics (for the time).
I also loved the story in Final Fantasy X, but I feel FF X-2 was a bit of a let down story wise as compared to its predecessor and I don't feel like I was as emotionally attached to the characters as I was in X
Then there are some of the strategy games. I personally spent tens if not hundreds of hours playing FF tactics Advanced on the gamebody and A-2 on the DS. I just thought that it was a nice change in pace in the FF games to make a fantastic, pure strategy game.
Lastly I would like to mention Dirge of Cerberus. While it may not be anything like a traditional FF game, I thought it was a bold and interesting move to make a FF third person shooter with such customization (you pick what kinds of guns you use). While it wasn't the most moving storyline; it was a very interesting play.
Now it's your guys turn. Give me your opinions :P
Final fantasy 7> final fantasy 6>final fantasy 4 and 5. I haven't played type 0 but I really want to. I focus more on gameplay rather than story but having both is really helpful. Can anyone comment on the gameplay an story of type 0? Also I am really excited for ff 15.
Edited by nBloo: 4/12/2015 2:12:46 PMAll of VII compilation (especially CCFFVII and of course VII itself) I need to play FFX, i haven't come across that one yet. Edit: OH YEAH and FF TYPE-0. Very different theme with violence. I played it on my PSP way back and i was glad it finally came to the U.S.
VIII best story over all IX best side character development VI best 2d animations III most satisfying to beat X most visually appealing It's been a great series all in all aside from X-2 and XIII-2
I II III VI XIII series and currently playing Type-0 Haven't played too much but I can't really pick a fav :b
VII compilation IX XII XIII series VI IV I II Tactics series III and V weren't released in NA when I was a kid. Think they're out on one of the DSes now. Never played XI or XIV and probably won't get XV cause no new consoles.
My brother is obsessed with them. I happen to watch him play them. I can tell you one that sucked. Final Fantasy XIII-2. So bad..
VII Tactics IX is underrated
VII and Tactics. Honorable mention to IX. VIII was too slow and not cool enough characters for me. X was fun but the story was pretty lame imo. X-2 was similar but worse. Also played Crisis Core on psp and it was pretty good, a bit repetitive though. And I have the first person shooter as Vincent from FF7. I played it shortly a while ago but iirc there was a mechanic that I couldn't get over (camera maybe?).
VII and Tactics. Also really enjoyed VI (although in my day we called it III). X had a good story, but was way too linear for me. VIII seemed interesting on paper (magic draw system, artistic style, romance as a central theme) but wasn't presented well. I really wanted to like XII, and was up until you that part where you go to that one temple on the mountain. After that I felt like they didn't really know where they wanted to take the plot, so it kind of feel flat for me.
Never liked the franchise. To cartoonish for me
No FF lovers out there?