((you tried to insta0kill and you are using Insta heal, you have NO argument))
*Is still grabbbing you*
*throws you bakc into the floor and stomps with a mechanical boot*
*point siwht the Asault rifle and fires*
((It has a cool down, and only to a point)) *points* "truce?"
*Stops firing* *gasps* Cobalt says I should kill everyone. *steps away and reloads the rifle* But dont do anyhtigns tupid or i will sue my Overkill Piledriver
*levels retro lancer at you* "I actually came to join"
Well. at least you have a Mans weapon. I have my own Modified *shows off Retro lance with a Cleaver and a flamthrower attached* We will see.
Well. at least you have a Mans weapon. I have my own Modified *shows off Retro lance with a Cleaver and a flamthrower attached* We will see.
"I really want to join"
"I saw your in charge of artillery, I have a good one, but it's mobile"
you think we need soemthign stronger than this? *tanks come out of the snad showing off heavy Railgun tanks* *COmabt drones turn on and ready up itno turret mode* *mortar dornes turn on* *a space fleet passes by as Orbital cannons are seen in orbit* *PMC troops stand fast* Salazar.co is well equipped for anyhting
"This tank is easily mass-produced, has 120mn of armor, and has a five second reload time"
I onyl use Salazar.co these tanks have a 5 second reload and fire Anti vehicular dorn. Or a Cluster proejctile
"Need I say it's also accurate?"