Stupid Titans, all you do is mess things up and hurt yourself. Go back to your little hole from where you came and grow out of your diapers :)
Right, because Hunters and Warlocks can't handle the pressure of being on the front-line sucking up all the punishment like Titans do. Go to your little dark corner, take out your sniper, and play it safe while we Titans go guns blazing and shotgun everyone to extinction. Only the brave and the bold have the guts to handle a Titan in a battlefield.
I don't think it's bravery, I think it's stupidity. Maybe if you used strategy you would get somewhere in like :)
So, it's stupid to pop ward of dawn near Valus Tatanga and make him stomp the ground, making ward of dawn spawn orbs in the process? It's stupid to trigger force barrier and melee everyone and generate orbs in the process? It's stupid to use Fist of Havoc the way it was intended, which is close quarters combat? Okay, so we all agree that Titans are the most stupid class strategically.
No they are the stupidest.just because of orbs you think it's strategy. That's not strategy, the bubble is your little baby cradle so you don't get hurt and most don't even use it properly. Fist of havoc is used when you little babies get scared, that is all.
Edited by TitanKnight: 4/12/2015 3:22:50 PMSo, basically, you are saying the Titans are stupid because they pop out orbs and supercharge everyone on the team and provide buffs for their shields and weapons. Ohh all the Hunters who fell to my Titan's might while bladedancing and using golden gun. Can't beat the panic button mate B) In most encounters, fist of havoc will end your golden gun before you even fire the first shot. Don't forget that us Titans can instantly shut down your super with our suppression grenade and that's strategy ;)
Says the person with a 31 hunter and under 2k grimoire. Git gud scrubbicles
Grimoire means nothing, I just didn't waste my time. And I just didn't have luck wth radiant shards, only need two of the dam things and I'm level 32.
Grimoire means nothing after 2200
I didn't waste my time either. You get a lot of grimoire through kills with different weapons you know.
Yeah and I didn't waste my time using different weapons. I only recently decided that I would actually try and level my other exotic weapons up, but alas I have better things to do. (Work.)
Wow fantastic. You should also know there's an exotic for every type of weapon. Like pulse rifles, snipers, rocket launchers, etc.
Umm, yes. What's your point?
They all gain you grimoire
No u go
Well, I'm going to use proper grammar. You leave.
Up there u spelled damn wrong mr. 10 year old
Yeah I missed a single letter..... So that's what makes me a 10 year old....? No, no, I understand that you only think I'm a 10 year old because your getting defensive. You have nothing better to say so you just say rude things.
Guys, guys.. Just chill and forget it. It's over.
No you should still leave.
My post bro.
Little baby
Sorry. No you.
Just leave