Getting real tired of running into people who do this. The servers are already shit, but that doesn't explain why I try to shoot someone and I lag making it impossible for me to kill them. It lags, I die, and then it stops lagging. These people always get obscenely high scores and nobody can ever kill them. I've run into dozens of them. Most recently, I ran into a group of four assholes who just sat back with sniper rifles and killed everybody because it was impossible to shoot them. I had a clear line of sight with my own sniper rifle on one guy who wasn't even looking in my direction, and I shot, it did nothing, and I shot again thinking maybe I missed, even though I got a hit marker, and then all of a sudden I dropped dead, saying the guy I had been shooting at had killed me. On my screen he hadn't even turned in my direction until after I died. And then there's the asshole who started with heavy ammo at the beginning of the game (He got first blood on me and two other people with an MG18A Harm's Way, and yes it was the beginning of the game and the weapon that killed me was a machine gun, I made sure). None of the people I've reported seem to have had any actions taken against them, 'cause I've run into some of the same people and it just happens again. I really wish I had the ability to record screenshots or video clips of these people, but unfortunately I don't. This is why I avoid the Crucible. Laggy servers, hackers, lagswitching... I can't stand it. Oh, and speaking of lag... Iron Banner matches... holy -blam!-. Unplayable.
You pretty much cant ever play a game of crucible without copping some major bullshit because of lag. It ruins the game when you headshot someone, they spin around and kill you then 5 seconds later fall down dead as the game finally registers that you killed them. And not its not my internet, i have a 23mbit fibre optic connection. If people have a shitty internet the pvp servers should kick them, its another fairly standard system that destiny is lacking.
Is it really lagswitchers/ hackers? I noticed last night that pvp was unplayable, if i play a weekday during the day the connection is ok most of the time, but in the evening/ weekend? Terrible! I turned off my ps4 last night because unplayable!
Got another hacker. BERSERK1527. Immune to shoulder chargers and supers. This is what I'm talking about. They ruin the experience with their pussy tactics.
and sometimes its just bad luck :D
Some people have bad internet... Like the people you're trying to shoot... Or you...
You would think there would be some way one would time out for staying in the red the entire match. I see this day in and day out.
Typical on xbox systems
Pvp is peer to peer connection, Destiny doesn't run off of a dedicated server. Only thing the server is for is data storage.