Your welcome, even if i lit the ark at you, i don't even know how i got it.
*Pulls you in for a kiss* *After a long (CENSORED) moment, I release you* "You lug nut. Always trying your best. And I have no idea either where you got the ark" *Head scratching moment*
May or may have not stuffed it in my corvette. So... conan's back thats good.
*Sighs in relief* "Thanks so much for getting him back for me." *Pulls you into a hug*
Ken called me worst father of 2015.
[spoiler]Conan/Cassern PM'd me worst parent multiple times. Muted him.[/spoiler] "Ugh, he should try dealing with having a child kidnapped."
Yeah, wanna come in my corvette again?
[spoiler]continue tomorrow[/spoiler] *Gets up slowly* "Sure, mind giving me a hand?"
Yup *picks you up* [spoiler]okay we continue from here.[/spoiler]
*Wraps one arm around your neck, then points out the door with the other* "Onward my trusty steed!!!"
*takes you to the corvette * Where to?
"Hmm, how about we take Conan for a drive?"
Thats what i was trying to do at perth but... keneki tried calling child services on me.