I have pain inhibitors. But anyhting that can damage a soul. (or cold temeperatures as I was bron on amrs i am fireporoof but ice wis my weaness) will result in Pain to me.
and i do not wish any kind of Link to no GOd. ive had a bad expierence when i Was the Avatar of the God of Machines.
No devotion needed. You fight that is all Khorne requires. Not witchcraft but glorious combat. And by the scarring on you I'ld say you've done more than put one or 2 skulls at his throne. On my honor this will not corrupt. The Deamon will speak to you, but the strong can resist it's touch.
oh well. i went mentaly unstable when My best friend died, then Complitely insane with my first augmentations. SO WHY NOT. Lets fix my VOICE!!!!!!!! (but not my grammar, thats ismposile) Is your Boss in need of weapons Ive made some improvements in ht eBolters ive been able to capture
-chuckles as I stare at my scarred bolter- This has served me many battle no it shall be fine... But as for you voice I would need to directly implant the chip... not bloody but painful as the the chip takes root. -holds the chip in a Mechandrite directly under your throat-
I have an Idea. *pulls out a soda ice cube* Wait *eat sit* OK wake up when you are done *falls unconicus as left organic vital organs have all gotten frozen including the brain*
-punch Mechandrite into your throat pulling out the old vox unit before fitting the chip into to base of the spinal chord and sending a pulse through your nervous system to activate it and repairing the damaged throat- If you fall to the Deamons lies be warned I will be the one to tear your skull from you.
*jumps up, In mid WAR flashback* I WILL DESTROY THE HELL OUTTA ALL OF YOU VENUSCIANS!!!!!! *shoots imaignary rifle * *snaps bakc in relaity* Sorry. *coffs* well appears to work. *stops for a second* yeha i agree vocie in mY head I need a bigger flamthrower. Thanks for the FIx. man SUre you dont want a modified Bolter?
What kind of modification
*smiles* *takes out a bolets with a bullpull drum mag* I call it slaughterhammer. It fires a modified kraken round. It explodes at certain distance to the target into more projectiles with the main slug algongside.
Field tests?
well any nromal human wont survive. A nromal marine wont sand mcuh if the main slug deos hit. abotu 1 to 3 shots at medium range
I am impressed even those on mars would be hard pressed of such ingenuity. It would be an honor to weild.
take it as a gift. I Served the MArs armada for 10 years i know things
There is one thing Khorne prizes above his champions and that is those the arm them. I am in your debt. -mag locks the bolter to my hip- If you need anything at all let me know.
GREAT. Tell him i willgbring him skulls alter