-punch Mechandrite into your throat pulling out the old vox unit before fitting the chip into to base of the spinal chord and sending a pulse through your nervous system to activate it and repairing the damaged throat-
If you fall to the Deamons lies be warned I will be the one to tear your skull from you.
*jumps up, In mid WAR flashback* I WILL DESTROY THE HELL OUTTA ALL OF YOU VENUSCIANS!!!!!! *shoots imaignary rifle * *snaps bakc in relaity* Sorry. *coffs* well appears to work. *stops for a second* yeha i agree vocie in mY head I need a bigger flamthrower. Thanks for the FIx. man SUre you dont want a modified Bolter?
What kind of modification
*smiles* *takes out a bolets with a bullpull drum mag* I call it slaughterhammer. It fires a modified kraken round. It explodes at certain distance to the target into more projectiles with the main slug algongside.
Field tests?
well any nromal human wont survive. A nromal marine wont sand mcuh if the main slug deos hit. abotu 1 to 3 shots at medium range
I am impressed even those on mars would be hard pressed of such ingenuity. It would be an honor to weild.
take it as a gift. I Served the MArs armada for 10 years i know things
There is one thing Khorne prizes above his champions and that is those the arm them. I am in your debt. -mag locks the bolter to my hip- If you need anything at all let me know.
GREAT. Tell him i willgbring him skulls alter