Please describe it further, or feel free to at least. Any problem you can come up with I'm sure I can describe an easy solution.
Either way, we all know the bread and butter for each overpowered ability comes from the stats of the ability and not the ability itself. I did not give stats, just ideas. So every ability could and would be modified in order to fit into the existing game.
I tried my best and thought thoroughly of abilities that would make the new subclasses interesting to use while keeping it on par with the other subclasses. I did not intend for the new subclasses to out do the existing subclasses, nor was I intending to create uninteresting subclasses that players wouldn't want choose. There is a fine line the new subclasses have to balance on, and I only did what I was able.
Thank you for your feedback. Sorry if it's not perfect, I doubt it could ever be.
Actually I was sprites about how creative it is and the new elemants it brought into the game. It's just that some upgrades such as the warlocks is kinda op. Some of the upgrades you could use on it give you basically a titans fist of havoc but more overpowered. It may outshine the titans fist of havoc sub class. (not trying to be preferable to titans, it's just the first thing I noticed was that because I'm an avid titan player)
Edited by Legend of Jordy: 4/12/2015 6:24:17 PMIt really depends how much damage Tempest does. Tempest is not an instant kill effect and more of a DoT when you hold the trigger. It's more of a Bladedancer like super than FoH. But with the spec that makes enemies in the field slower, it's like a FoH that attacks only the frontal cone that still gives enemies the chance to wipe you out, there is no super damage reduction. FoH would be better in Panic Button situations and where enemies are spread out but still in the radius of your super. Arc Blade is good for chaining multiple kills together from far apart. Tempest is almost a mix of the too, once activated you move like a Bladedancer but deal splash/area damage in your frontal vision over time. I could change the Annihilation Field perk, I created it so players wouldn't just walk out of the lightning effect easily. I guess it could make the move more Target-Tracking.
I love all of that, it's just that one perk that makes it do anything close to the warlock is immediately killed when it's activated. It's line FoH with extra overpowered perks
Edited by Legend of Jordy: 4/12/2015 6:51:19 PMWhat perk? And again, it's not quite like FoH. 1) Tempest does not work as a panic button. -A) Not an immediate cast, Drains super over time. -B) No damage reduction while in super. -C) Damage isn't delivered in a wide spread like FoH. 2) Tempest only effects targets in your frontal cone of vision, not in the full area around you. 3) Tempest is not an instant kill effect, instead it deals high DPS over time when holding the Trigger down. 4) Tempest does not reach further distances than Shockwave. 5) Tempest does not leave a AoE effect after cast.
Ooooohhhhhh I thought it effected everything around you, I actually think it's a really cool super idea.
I'll see what I can do to make it more clear in the thread, I'll underline the word Frontal Cone or rephrase it completely.
Awesome, good job BTW on the detail of the perk tree. Sounds like a refreshing change to destiny's gameplay
I just realized I didn't fully specify it attacks inside the frontal cone of vision, think I edited it out when I hit maxed characters. Anyways, I fixed it now, good thing you noticed.