Durn Xurnuh newbs whi cayunt u urn exoticks Lik tha rist of uss. I urned mi suros in tha vult of ass. Git gud skrubs
[spoiler]Edit:lol I can't believe you desticles were this stupid. Well this thread gave me enough laughs for today. Congrats to the ones who were smart enough to see through this joke. ( in short git gud desticles) PS I don't care about Xurners [/spoiler]
Why can't you type 1 word in actual English? People like you and threads like this are why a lot of people in this community is frowned upon. Like we don't have to earn the strange coins we get to purchase the weapons from Xur. And you can deny ALLLLLL you want but you and I both know if you didn't have a SUROS, this weekend you would have done the same thing the "noobs" do. [spoiler]KILL YOURSELF[/spoiler]