You suck at everything including dick.
You look like a gay fat ass who is 30 when your voice is higher than a 13 year old's.
You make videos just to money whore and like 25% are just community clips.
You got your subs from CoD emblems and should lose them now.
When you try to roast someone your comebacks are older than Jesus
No one can take you seriously
Noobs are the main people that think you are "good" and a "great YouTuber"
What's you channel called, I'll stop by and check out your videos.
Please, make a YouTube video, for all of us to see how much better you are than him.
At least he has a dick
Ahhhh... not a good argument to make little light..... awkward...
Unlike you unless your mouth counts
Ok I don't think people want to have a gift with a dumbass like u
Have to listen to a dumbass like u
No I have one. But I'm concerned for you
So you have a dick in your mouth and concerned I don't have one in my mouth? Great logic
I don't have one in my mouth, but you do.